Chapter 9: A New Love?

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Age: 7

A year has passed and the world is coated with the lovely flowers of spring. Outside the crystal clear windows of the Vermillion mansion lay a wonderland of roses of all colors, bright daffodils which exist below the window of my first floor bedroom, and many more blooming springtime flowers. The bright colors coupled with the backdrop of green elated my soul in a new light.

I sat in the small nook of my room, located by the window. Various pillows and silks around and underneath me as I held a book titled "Herbs". Novels and textbooks in this world were not original in their naming, making it difficult to remember exactly which book I have, or have not read. Beside me sat Ricin, his fluffy green hair delicately touching his cheeks and his breathing was steady in even, his eyes closed in sleep. I felt envious of his long thick lashes, any woman would, as the fairy held deep inhumanly possible beauty.
I softly sighed... was this what they meant when they said women felt melancholy in the spring?
The room was peaceful as silence enveloped me and Ricin, Angie gone to fulfill other duties as a maid while I quietly read. Despite the calm atmosphere, my head began to ache as I knew in only a few hours I would be keeping my fiancé company... Our relationship? Cat and mouse, which annoyed me to the fullest. Despite our age being close together, I was clearly of a higher level of intelligence compared to the average seven year old, seeing as most of my past life memories were primarily intact aside from a few fuzzy instances. Yet the Prince? A normal child, at least I would assume due to his perfect character, yet his intelligence and maturity rivaled me. It was also unnerving to have a child stare at me as if he saw through my ploy to act childish... well, occasionally it was not a ploy. I was in the body of a child, so my hormones and chemistry did affect my emotions much like a normal seven year old. I acknowledged my short comings, even in my past life I was an eccentric woman from the comments I would hear passing through the laboratory hallways from my colleagues. This certainly followed me over into this life, and my odd habit of staring off into space while I organized my thoughts continued as well.

My family surely convinced themselves I was simply a small genius, and at times I wish this were true, to cope with the fact that at times I did not act my age. My hobbies changed drastically, as well as my haughty attitude. I'll surely blame this on puberty or whatever I could get away with later in life.

Suddenly my peace was interrupted as my door slammed open with an unusual amount of force.

Vincent stood in the entry way, panting, and an annoyed look on his adorable little face. I have recently been banned from pinching his cheeks, my mother telling me it was damaging to a man's pride. Yet Vincent was most certainly not a man! He was a tiny angel descended from heaven... Ricin may have been correct when he stated I had a slight brother complex. I couldn't bring myself to give a damn...

"Sister- why didn't you tell me his Highness was coming today?" Vincent asked me in an accusatory tone. His puppy dog eyes staring at me as if I had just kicked him. It was no wonder though, the young heir of the Vermillion house hated the prince. It was likely a mutual hostility, as the prince became unamused when Vincent would appear. Once more, I could care less. Even in the game the two were like fire and ice, their personalities very different.
"Sorry Vin, I didn't think you would be happy" I said nervously, trying not to insure the wrath of a tiny angel. His hair still reminding me of cotton candy... I wonder if I could Ricin's wind magic to make it? I just needed melted sugar right? Then I could swirl it...

"Sister! Stop spacing out, when is he coming? I will happily send him back and tell him you aren't feeling well" Vincent said anxiously, the only time he would become to paranoid and crude was either when he spoke about the prince or when Ricin and him would fight.

"We can't, I have used that excuse too many times" I stated sadly, closing my book and ignoring the irritated glare Ricin was sending Vincent after interrupting his nap time. Ricin and Vincent have recently come to a standstill of eternal silence between the two.
Ricin had been playing with me in the garden one day when Vincent approached with snacks... of course I complied but Ricin, being childish as ever, used wind magic to bring me in the air to keep me away from Vincent. This led to Vincent using his own magic, and making a tree branch grab me away... of course it led to a children's squabble and me getting dropped from quiet a height and my lights knocked out for the day.
Both ended up thoroughly scolded, and as immature as it is, I was happy this time to not be on the receiving end of it. It was also entertaining to see a fairy nearly ten times the age of my mother getting a tongue lashing as if he was a naughty kitten drinking milk without permission...

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