Chapter 19: A Queen's Plea

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I was stunned at the beautiful woman that entered the dusty room. She looked royal and elegant, on par with my own mother. Long delicate blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She wore a grande purple dress which showed her voluptuous body and heavy cleavage. It only served to aid in the sex appeal this woman oozed. She seemed to be in her late 20's, and while beautiful, she seemed tired with dark circles under her eyes.

"Hello child, I apologize for the barbaric way in which you were taken... " Her voice was silky, captivating me instantly. She seemed oddly familiar, but I couldn't place where I had seen her before.

"Who are you?" I asked, rude on my end, but tying me up like a torture victim was not the best way to gain my favor.

"Apologizes, I am Dianna Jasmine Lov Karmillia. Queen of this country" The Queen?! I've met three Queens so far in this lifetime. Amazed and slightly stupid, she gave a bitter smile while looking at me.

"You are Rosalia yes? My granddaughter?" I nearly spit blood. One, being the granddaughter of Royalty was no joke, and two, she looked no older than 30! I wanted to study her genetic makeup badly.

"I am indeed Rosalia... May I ask why my welcome to my mother's home Kingdom has been so personally... violent? You have me tied up like a common criminal despite my status and background, not including my age" I reasoned. She nodded in understanding.

"I had you brought in like this to lower suspicion. Rosalia, you are currently missing in your home country. While it is not illegal for one to leave on an adventure, it isn't recommended to escape with only a note... when my precious daughter contacted me with this information, I nearly fainted. While you are a rare and treasured contracted human... it does not mean you are invincible" Her words were wise and just... though it didn't explain why I was still tied up like this.

"Sounds suspicious but alright. Where is my fairy?" Her face held a slight look of disdain.
"The fairy is within a holding cell which locks its magic. This prevents any damages" she explained. I had nearly forgotten the hatred this kingdom has against fairies, or any race.

"For now, you will remain here until I can return you home.... or" she paused looking me directly in the eye. Such a gaze held enormous sorrow.

"You can help me" she finished simply.

I couldn't return home. Not yet. I wasn't finished...

"I'll help you" I stated calmly. I needed to get Ricin and find the mermaids. If it meant a small side quest in the Kingdom of Karmillia, so be it!

She smiled gratefully. She made a hand signal and from the shadows of the room which weren't illuminated by the dim magical light.
Three figures all in black appeared... ninja?

They moved and began to untie me, I nodded gratefully, turning back to the Queen.

"What is exactly going on in this country?" I asked, the economy wasn't stable and the issue at the Port... it was all too suspicious. How did Hana play into this?

"My husband has been sick in the recent months... and his brother took over the throne for his absence. His name is Karen, originally he wasn't found suitable for the throne for his crimes against the Kingdom in the past... but my husband had a weak spot for his brother and pardoned him. Now that the King is sick, next in line is him..." She looked miserable and helpless...
I stood from the creaky bed. Her height was even similar to mother... mother took after the Queen in manners and tempter.

"Alright... let me meet my Grandfather. If I can possibly diagnose his illness maybe we'll get some clues" I murmured hopefully. The Queen's hesitation was soon replaced with determination and she gripped her pale hands into fists.

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