Chapter 37: Hidden Secrets (1)

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Rosalia stared aggressively at her copy, jealous for reasons unknown to her.

I looked at her oddly, not understanding her animosity, but I did understand her new infatuation with Kai.

While I felt odd with him, seeing as I had trusted the leopard Xavier with nearly my life and my secrets, and now knowing he had kept such a significant issue away from me...
I was quite obviously betrayed, slandered, and it made my blood boil thinking about how easily he has gotten away with such an act.
I'm not ignorant, I know people have their reasons, but allowing a child to blindly put their trust in another like I did... was truly a harming knife to my heart.

I may be an eccentric, but that did not mean I was without feeling.

Then his issue with proposing.

I deeply considered rejecting. Only an idiot would anger their savior so easily though, and this man clearly had deceived me without guilt for so long. Why should I feel any guilt back?
I simply wanted to return home, the time and dimension I considered home was Frare Kingdom with my family. I could care less about the game and story line now, nor did I give a damn about capture targets.
Illogically, I convinced myself that I was prey towards fate. Turns out it was Demon preying on my fears.

I briefly glanced at Kai's cold and unmoving expression.

He likely merely saw me as an outlet from his childhood which brought him comfort, and has mistaken that bonding as love.
It's not a romantic love. He's severely mistaken without a doubt. Maybe this is an obligational fulfillment to help lessen his guilt or whatever negative feelings he has issues with.

I cleared my expression, sighing in defeat.
Whatever, we have a task to focus on now.

"Alright. Let's follow your plans Ceil, I'll replace this Rosalia at home for the time being.
I'll need a couple of days to concoct a potion which will alter my appearance to copy this Rosalia. Can you cover for me?" I asked seriously.
Ceil nodded.

"Of course.
If I may though, will you also allow me to watch the process of this appearance altering potion?" He asked curiously. I thought seriously for a moment. Naturally I did not want such a hard to make potion, it had come from the Mermaid Queen as a gift... though, it was likely to damage me since this is not my timeline.
Numbly, I nodded my consent.

"So she'll be coming back to the estate with me then?" Vincent asked curiously, still wearily eyeing me.

Ceil nodded, sitting down now and waving at a servant to bring a seat for Katrina who remained quiet but observant.

Vincent sighed, but seemed less tense now.

Rosalia spoke up now, also taking into account the serious atmosphere.

"So... because I played a little harsh with a commoner, not at all illegal or below my station, I'm being sent to an unknown location so this... imposter can take my place?" I will admit, she wasn't as dull as I first accounted for.

I explained for her.

"If It were truly just a commoner, then this would not have occurred. You just didn't take into account who was backing the other party. This is a simple battle of politics and was easily an avoidable fate. The engagement was doomed from the start, in my timeline, I just happened to realize this before the engagement was official. Katrina was blessed with light magic, this is a rarity for Nobility, let alone a commoner. It means she has the possibly of birthing and heir who may also receive the same fairy's blessing. While her fairy is not within a contract with her, it doesn't matter. She is an anomaly, and is now outside the constrictions of status, therefore it's not about harassing a commoner. It's about harassing an entity you couldn't afford to offend.

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