Chapter 28: The Academy

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I stared hatefully at the castle like structure before me.

Glittering white was all around me, offending my eyes as I gazed upon the most well respected place in Frare. The Academy.

Incidentally, the start of the game.

Our commoner heroine, and her lovely sidekick best friend in crime, would appear.

Her sidekick was never mentioned because she had no actual affect in the first place.

Viscount Flaunder's youngest daughter, Irene. Irene Heise Flaunder, an average looking girl with short brown hair and eyes... much like our heroine, but without the cuteness of a bunny. She was very literally just plain.
She was also madly obsessed with Vincent in the storyline. It was why she hated Rosalia so much, because her weird stalker obsession allowed her to find out about the abuse which occurred behind closed doors.

Incidentally, in Vincent's route, Irene is a side villain. If the heroine chooses her best friend's most beloved, then Irene becomes a complete maniac and tries to murder the heroine in her own home by burning it to the ground.
Vincent cuts her head off for that one.


I'm beginning to believe the makers of the game should've warned it was a yandere genre. The beautiful pictures and animation do not match the actual dark themes within it.

They even had the audacity to make the characters in chibi ちび form in the text box to show dialogue...

At the moment, I'm currently standing fairly dumb at the entrance. Ricin was languidly relaxed on my shoulder, likely asleep.

'I should... go in... huh.... but I really don't want to. This school is worthless. They don't teach magic, business, economics... they teach a little history and primarily etiquette. They claim to have a science research facility but It's primarily just a social ground for children to make friends.... ah...'

"My Lady?"

'I wonder if it's okay to skip classes here? Should I be like a delinquent in a yakuza anime?'

"Lady Rosalia...? My Lady?"

'I'm wearing this awful uniform with a skirt that barely covers my butt. With how strict noble society is and the dress code for most women, what pervert got these approved? An all white uniform too? What if I get something on it? It was costly too for something with barely any fabric...'


"Ah!" It was too late for me to realize Angie had been talking to me when I was grabbed fiercely but my busty maid of many years.

"Please stop doing that! I'm worried for you My Lady, whenever you space out, you are so vulnerable! You could be kidnapped? Or worse! Please. For everyone's sake, be aware of your surroundings" Angie was on the verge of tears, which tore at my heart strings.

"Y-Yes... I'm sorry" I apologized sincerely. It is a bad habit of mine.

"Only you would say sorry to a maid.." Angie giggled finally. She looked less stressed now.

Finally working up the nerve to move, I left with Angie towards the student dorms.

The Academy had rooms based on rank. Being a high ranking Duke's daughter, I not only got my own private room, but one of the Royal Suite. Since Ceil was an only child, brave of the King to assume he'd live long enough to become king..., it meant that I could have one.

Another Royal Suite also existed, but the son of Duke Violet was occupying that currently.
That was the only news of the Duke's son I've ever really gotten.
He was supposedly around my age, maybe a year older, and rumored to be hideous and evil.

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