Chapter 18: The Port of Karmillia

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Leaving the Fairy Kingdom was as painful as getting there.

I was beaten up and out of breathe as we came back to the Enchanted Forest.

As we left the cave and Dragon who insists on yelling every sentence (senile old dragon), we stopped for camp and looked at the map.

"Alright! It looks like it will be a 2 week journey on foot to reach the outer lands of Karmillia; and another week to reach the Port. Though we can speed it up by asking merchants traveling for rides" I said, as we surveyed the map.

I was lucky to have Ricin and his spatial ring. How were they made? I'd ask later.

Like that, we set off for the Kingdom of Karmillia, and also the home of my mother! Mother was a princess of Karmillia, the only daughter.
The reason I haven't visited yet is due to heavy discrimination. Not even fairies are welcome.
That makes it difficult. I looked at Xavier and Ricin for a moment.

"I'm going to need to disguise Xavier" I said thoughtfully for a moment.

"Ah yes. The people of Karmillia hate any other race besides human." Ricin laughed, though a cat laughing like that was slightly disturbing.

"Well~ Xavier could always just- ahhh! You damn beast!" Ricin began but Xavier whipped his tail quickly at Ricin.

Xavier walked over to me now, lifting his paw in a waving motion.

So cute!

I laughed and hugged the confused leopard.
"Did you want cuddles?" I giggled, snuggling into his silky fur which has become much softer since traveling due to my medicinal foods I make. Knowledge is power after all.

Xavier huffed and backed away for a moment and looked at Ricin now- cocking his head towards the forest?

Ricin looked skeptical but sighed. "Rose, we'll be back, I think he wants to convey a message to you" Convey a message?

"Alright... I'll set up camp here then. Don't stay out too long" I said warily. What were they planning? To murder each other in the forest?

I watched them walk off into the thicket of trees as I began to set up the tent and build a fire to start dinner.

I eventually went off and caught a few bird to put in the soup as well, and when I returned the two were patiently waiting.

I smiled happily, I was glad they were getting along!

Humming softly I began to fix dinner while the two watched in fascination.

"Did you learn to cook like this is your past life?" Ricin asked curiously as I began chopping up vegetables while the water boiled.

"Honestly I never cooked, but I am usually very good at nearly anything I put effort into, so cooking wasn't difficult" I said, as I finished the prep work.

Xavier sat behind me to help warm me up as the temperature dropped due to the setting sun.
I smiled gratefully at him.

"I see~" he said lazily, lounging on my lap peacefully again.
I softly stroked his fur until the food was done and we all ate in comfortable silence.

"So... What was the message Xavier wanted to convey?" I asked finally.

Ricin looked at Xavier for a minute before turning to me, "first, could you tell me your view on beastmen?" Ricin asked. That was an odd question...

"I suppose, my view? I think they're too discriminated against. Despite having higher levels of strength than humans, they are treated poorly due to humans fear of greater powers that they cannot solely posses. I... I also like their animal ears and features. To me, it's extremely adorable" I answered. It's true. I want to pet them. That would be disrespectful though, so I always hold back. That's why Xavier is nice! A spiritual leopard is rare to begin with, but befriending one is usually unheard of.

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