Chapter 30: Something Sinister

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Age: 15

The entrance ceremony came and passed without much hindrance, and like a play, the heroine came late like she was supposed to.

Katrina Haze

A commoner with a light fairy's blessing. Light magic is quite rare sought after for its healing capacity and soothing effects.

Katrina is a... well endowed girl. Certainly I may have stared at her chest in envy, but so did everyone else! When she fell, I nearly ran to help so her giant bazooka chest didn't bounce too hard on the floor and give her a concussion.
Honestly, if she hit a man with her chest, they'd likely die happy.

With a sexy body and an extremely cute face, it's not hard to see why she gained so much attention. She has these big pretty brown eyes, and soft glossy short brown hair.
She's the image of a bunny in all honesty.
It seemed she also made friends with Irene...
Irene Heise Flaunder, someone I didn't have much information on in the first place.

She's a low Viscount's daughter, not very pretty but seemingly timid and kind.
I should see if she's already made contact with my precious brother!
Her eyes look constantly dissatisfied with the world around her. It's fairly certain she'll try and use the heroine.
Well... not that it's much of my business.

My own classes are quite easy. I excel in all, but I truly shine in science! My science professor is quite odd himself.

Professor Diazo, a retired Captain of the guard. Now a researcher in magic and philosophy.
Of course, he has to be blindingly gorgeous. That's a thing with new people I suppose.
Fire red hair cut short, a tall and muscular build, and sharp onyx eyes.
He looked more like a General than a professor.
I was quite the first day of class. Not much happened besides boring introductions.

I didn't attend this class for any other reason than a place to store my research materials.
I just needed to win the favor of this stone cold professor.

How will I accomplish such a task? Simple.

"So... you want my help, to seduce your teacher, so you can use his research facilities? Did I capture this right?"
Ceil looked amused with his regular phony smile plastered in place. He was relaxed though, sipping tea leisurely. Not minding me bursting into his room unannounced and scaring the life out of a couple servants.
A few guards tried to stop me, but when they touched my arm, I had them tangled in vines on the wall.

Magic is handy!

"I need those materials! My family is too strict with me now, saying no dangerous things will be bought. Even my own company rejects me taking money out for them! How is plutonium dangerous? No one here even know it's value! Help me please~" I slumped in my chair exhausted. Professor Diazo is no simple man. He will be a tough cookie to crack.

Ceil chuckled darkly.

"Well, it just so happens I know his dark secret. What will you give me for it?" He said with a sly smile. A shiver ran down my spine.
I forgot. I nearly forgot. This man in the damn devil.

"What do you want...?" I'm gambling here, this is always risky. Last time I asked for a favor, I found myself in the plains of Frare digging and planting like a farmer.

"What can you give me which I don't already have?" He countered easily. Damn him! He is the Crown Prince, What doesn't he have?! Morals, obviously. Maybe a conscious?

"A heart" my dead serious tone made him laugh. Screw him and his pretty face.

"Come on~ think" he encourages.

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