Chapter 33: Dream Demon

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The night was not so simple though.
As oddly enough, his eyes began to shut and sleep overtook him as he curled up the sleeping little girl in his arms.
Now, all within the room were asleep.

That's when chaos ensued.

Bloody orbs observed for only a moment before acting swiftly this time.
Yellow dull teeth grinned in satisfaction.
This time. It would succeed.
It's long awaited prey was ripe and lovely for the taking.
A long awaited meal was before it.
A mangled and charred black claw stretched out, nearing the sleeping girl's forehead.

As the talon made contact- it was too late.

Electric blue eyes, sharper than a knife, fiercely stared the creature down, before his clawed hand struck the creature into screaming in agony.

All were awake now due to the shrill scream, waking the entire estate.

Before he could end the creatures life, a strange black mist began to surround them while a laugh began to bubble from grotesque white chapped lips. The ghastly figure was manically laughing as the world around the three began to swirl into a black void before everyone lost consciousness.

When I opened my eyes, I thought it was another dream.
I was laying in soft grass, the forest surrounding me as my body ached slightly.

Yet I realized quickly this was no dream.

I saw a passed out Ricin, his fluffy body was sprawled lazily beside me.
To my left, I couldn't stop the soft scream that escaped my lips as the naked body of no less than Kai of all people.

What the actual hell?

My voice woke the two, as I had my head averted from the nudist.

"This is bad. What happened?"

"I'm not sure either"

Ricin spoke to Kai, but Kai's answer fueled a rage in my heart.
The first man I see naked is this man?!
Where is Xavier?

"Kai, you better have a good explanation as to why we are in the middle of the woods, and you are naked. Your life depends on it" I growled out angrily. How dare he?!

"Calm down! Tell her!" Ricin spoke up worriedly, as I was pulling my sword out.

"Rosalia" I paused, a bit in surprise at him calling my first name. Very informal.

"Look then" he murmured. He wants me to see him naked?!

"Vulgar! I am an unmarried woman!" I shouted, my face burning hot at such shamelessness.

"No, Rose look" Ricin spoke now.
My curiosity has always been high...
nervously, I peaked at Kai, but froze.

Xavier was in his place...

Now. I may have my short comings, but I'm no fool. Not in the slightest.
The puzzle pieces clicked.
My heart wavered, like a candle light.

The leopard moved towards me, trying to coax me into petting him.

"We kept it from you... sorry Rose, this is because we didn't want you to be burdened by more things" Ricin spoke sadly, bowing his small fluffy head in shame.

"Why... no, truly I can't understand. Why not tell me sooner? What are you two hiding besides this...?" My voice was weak, Xavier- no, Kai, nuzzled his head against my cheek.
My heart hurt. My head hurt. This was too much, honestly.

"I only noticed it after you returned home, I promise I had every intention to reveal my identity" Kai spoke, startling me.

"You can talk in that form?" I whispered listlessly.
"Of course you can..." my tone was sad.

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