Chapter 10: Coming of Age

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Age: 8

It was now a new year passed, and Rose was invigorated. She has recently received a teacher in martial arts, a famous prodigy by the name of Valor Hendricks. While Valor was still young at the age of 21, he had many medals of honor decorating his military uniform as the Second in Command to her father nonetheless. Duke Vermillion was a renowned General that protected the Kingdom from small invasions from unknown intruders and bandits. At the age of 19 was when he had met her mother, saving her from a kidnapping that occurred near the borders of Frare. Love at first sight occurred when he saw his wife courageously protecting herself and allowing her servants to escape while she fended off the rouges. The Duke swept away the competition before returning her home, bringing honor to Frare and earning the trust of her home Kingdom for his valiance. With reluctance from her home, she was allowed to marry the Duke in addition to a peace a treaty, making her family's fame rise before her birth. Her kind parents were sophisticated and loving towards not only Nobles but the common people as well, their popularity rivaling Royalty. It was why the engagement between the Crown Prince and Rose was so important to the King and Queen. They viewed Rose as an invaluable assent, especially due to her Fairy Ricin, who held incredible magic ability.

Rose was currently running laps around the training grounds that was usually in use by her father's knights. The plain brown shorts and white dress shirt was drenched in sweat while her hair hung limp behind her, nearly dragging on the ground as she pathetically pushed her legs forward, one at a time. Valor was not a kind teacher, slightly arrogant towards Rose who was not in shape nor focused on exercise for most of her life. Rose personally preferred her laboratory which was comfortable, and her terrible diet of only vegetables and sweets. Valor changed her diet to a healthier lifestyle, while indeed aided in her training with the increase in protein and carbs. More meat, no dairy, more grain, and moderate vegetables. Sweets were entirely separated from Rose much to her dismay. She thankfully was still allowed tea with a little sugar as a refresher, this was only thanks to her perfected puppy-dog eyes she had learned from the true master, Vincent.

"Teacher... I can't go on.... please.... tell my family.... I love them" Rose gasped, out of breath before collapsing. Valor only sighed at his student's dramatics, as she had only ran around the track ten times before acting as if she was dying. He was slightly disappointed in her lack of stamina, barely able to throw a punch let alone run for longer than an hour. She was a daughter of a famous General, this should be nothing for her. Yet the lazy child, currently buried in the dirt as if struck through the heart by a arrow, was panting as if she had ran for the entire day.

"You've taken a long enough break! Keep running" Valor yelled heartlessly at the poor maiden. She grumbled, feeling horribly wronged by this terribly handsome man. She was a pathetic athlete, even in her past life. Yet, with the increasing nightmares that kept her awake most nights before the training began, she was grateful to fall into a dreamless sleep by the end of each training session.

Begrudgingly she placed each hand on either side of her, pushing up her exhausted body from the dirty ground. Her hand and face now covered in dirt as she stood on shaky legs, before slowly beginning to run again. She had two more laps left, and even if she had to crawl chocking up blood as she dragged her lifeless body on the ground, she would finish them. The bastard and the current target of her hatred, continuously yelled unhelpful comments about her being an ungrateful students who lacks in all areas. Pissed off, she pushed her body to finish the laps left before collapsing again.

"I'm shocked you actually finished this time, maybe tomorrow you won't throw a tantrum in the middle of your training" Valor snickered, grabbing her by one arm off the floor as she hatefully glared at the man holding her. Her large pink eyes, tilted upward, looked like a kitten who had its milk stolen. Valor only laughed at her pathetic attempt to seem intimidating, taking her back to the mansion to throw towards the sharks... maids. Throw towards the maids.

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