Chapter 16: Enchanted Forest

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Age: 9

A lot of things can happen in the span of a few hours.

A marriage can occur.

Someone might have a baby.

Someone might die.

Maybe you'll make a new friend?

What happened in the span of a few hours in the enchanted forest was too much for even me to handle.


For one, Ricin, still a cat, is being slowly roasted over a fire while screaming profanities at a couple of trolls.

Xavier is in a tree with a stomach ache after Ricin fed him some dangerous mushrooms.

Where am I?

Good question. I am currently hanging about five feet above the ground, upside down might I add, with my feet bound.
This happened after I walked straight into a trap set by the trolls.

Everything was fine this morning after waking up and eating breakfast.

Until a certain fairy attempted to play a practical joke on a certain leopard.

All hell broke loose. Xavier went for the kill and soon a cat and a leopard were gone in an instant, leaving me to run after them.

While I attempted to stop the two, from a bloodbath, I ended up being careless of my surroundings.

Here we are.

The trolls made quick work of Ricin while Xavier climbed high into a tree to throw up whatever he had actually eaten.

Me? I'm in shock still. On one hand, I could get down easily, and on another, I'm curious if Ricin will actually become a cooked meal for some trolls after all his bragging on being such a capable fairy and protector.

Currently, it looks like a one sided show.

"STOP YOU FOUL BEASTS!!!! I swear when I cut these ropes loose I'm gonna- H-H-HOTTTTTT ITS HOTTTT STOPPPPP MY FURRRR!!!!!" Yes... on second thought, Ricin is the most annoying like this. How can he still be confident? Also, trolls can't understand you?

Sighing within my heart at my very lame companion, I quickly grabbed a dagger and cut the ropes, before turning by body to land on my feet. In total, there's about six trolls, all warped and ugly, with odd wooden weapons. Somewhat like a club, but not exact.

"ROSE!!!!!! HELPPPP!!!!" Ricin now looked panicked, which was amusing seeing as he's a cat right now.

"Yes yes.... The mighty leader of the PussyCat's will save the day!" I yelled proudly, holding my dagger in the air before striking a guts pose.


Oh? It's oddly silent now. Even the roasting Ricin isn't speaking anymore. Just calmly laying above the flames.

I won't think too much about it then, and without a word of warning I took off at the first troll, throwing my body to slice with the dagger at its jugular.
And since Xavier is far away and Ricin isn't affected by any kind of poison....
I threw a small ball, that may look like a smoke screen but contained a real deadly amount of poisonous gas within it, at the ground by the fire.

After that, I quickly jumped away from the cloud, remembering to hold my breathe.


I'm not a god. I could get sick too, I ran.

"IM STILL TIED UP?!?!?" Ricin cried indignantly. To which I only let out a "is that so".

"Why don't you just... get out of the ropes" I asked casually, seeing the smoke begin to clear and the coughing die down from the trolls. They were haphazardly laid out on the forest floor. Ricin was still tied up but no fire was left.

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