Chapter 24: Home Sweet Home

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Age: 15

Coming home after disappearing for nearly 4 years is no easy feat.

Mother is constantly monitoring me now, and Father sees me every moment he's allowed. Vincent became my shadow.
It was suffocating to say the least, to the point that I can't even sneak out at night to visit my favorite leopard!

"They're killing me... I can't live like this..." Ive whined to the Prince for nearly an hour now over tea. This is our first time seeing one another again since I left.

He truly deserved the title of "Most Beautiful Bachelor"

His blonde hair looked like sewn gold, soft and silky and never a strand out of place. Magic maybe...?
At 16, I barely come to his chest now, which makes for difficulty talking while standing. Though I took a little pleasure in seeing his strained back trying to keep a perfect bow to kiss my hand in greeting.

"Maybe if you didn't run away on some wild adventure, you wouldn't have to deal with this" As always, he was a demon.

"You are aware of the efforts they put forth to make it seem as if you went away to study in Karmillia Kingdom under the Queen for all that time to protect your reputation... correct? Thankfully you did study under her for a brief period of time, so it was passable" I felt guilt strike my heart. He was right... a lady running away like I did... normally my virtue would be questioned for such an act. I was blessed to have such a reliable family.
I forget my limits constantly. Everyday I grew further away from my past self, truly taking on the name Rose.

"Yes... that's true" I hung my head in shame. The tea didn't taste good anymore.

We were currently in the Royal Palace, the only place I wouldn't be under surveillance. Vincent had to leave with Father today, only agreeing because I wouldn't be able to sneak away from the Shadow King... the Prince.
He was displeased with my disappearance as well, apparently he lost a lot of help. Ricin refused to work once I wasn't there, preferring to really get in character as a cat...

"Are you ready for school? You studied beforehand correct?"

Another shot to my ego!

"Ha... haha... o-of course I studied!" My nervous laugh didn't seem to convince him... his eyes are narrowed. Where was that Princely man just a while ago?! His personality always becomes so dark around me. That fake smile has the poor women in this country convinced he's a good person, what sad fools! I wish I could capture that creepy smile he gets when he's making profit off something...

"So you haven't studied at all? Worry not, Gerald is an excellent tutor, so I'll have him teach you"
His words now seeped venom into my veins.


The angelic little boy I met so long ago in the castle in now at the age he buried the old Rosalia.
Could I refuse? Vincent is also a good tutor?

"If you're thinking of taking time away from your sis-con brother, I recommend rethinking such stupidity and allow him to properly shadow your father. In four years, he has to take over the main management of your Dukedom"
He really likes to screw me over, huh?
Well... he's right though. I can't go on cowering like a lamb forever.
For some reason though, Gerald seems more frightening than a shark.

"R-right... I understand..." I hung my head again. Much like how Ceil drops his kind facade, I similarly lose all manners. He seems unfazed by such disastrous behavior on my part. The only good thing about our strange friendship.

"He's already prepared, so I'll have him visit your estate tomorrow" he calmly sipped his tea, as if he just didn't admit he already knew I needed the help... damn this dark monster!

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