Chapter 13: A Party to Remember

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Age: 8

Today was the day of my birthday ball, as well as my coming of age ceremony. I was currently a living, breathing doll, which to my amazement, doesn't seem to bother anyone but me.
I stood achingly still as I was adorned with heavy silks, trying my best not to gag as the smell of too much perfume worn by the maids entered my nose. I knew what I was making for mother next, a good smelling perfume....
in spite and hatred, I glared at Angie who only giggled as she did my hair. It was now cut just under my knees, the ends oddly turning nearly white compared to the fuller pink at the crown of my head. My hair was delicately curled, while half of it was taken to made a braid that resembled a crown that went around my entire head. Within the crown braid, small ornamental diamonds were placed, for a simple but elegant look that suited the cute doll in mirror I saw. I could never get used to this tiny, kitten like, appearance. I was used to the slightly masculine and scary face I had in my previous life, which held a show of dominance. Now when I glared, I was anything but scary, maybe ever cuter due to the slight upturn of my eyes. Thick lashes framed my dark pink eyes, the deep pink lashes nearly touching my eyes brows and dusting my cheek bones. My eye brows were perfectly shaped, which I knew logically was unfair, and my lips were as perfect as my fathers, if not a little more pouty. My cheeks were dusted with a natural blush, which contrasted greatly against my extremely pale skin.

Due to my rigorous training with the hell goblin in a handsome man's clothes, Valor, I was nicely proportioned in the lovely white gown I was forced into like a runaway bride. A coming of age ceremony means the children of eight are to wear white. It means it'll be difficult to escape for me from my own party to my garden, and the party itself took place in the enormous party hall downstairs. My family rarely threw parties, unless it was a small tea party in the garden consisting of women and children. It was my mother's idea to use our hall for the event, glad to make use of it after so long of being neglected.

Ricin had abandoned me. Telling me he would be napping peacefully while the party was in full swing, and Vincent, bless his tiny heart, would instead be by my side.

I knew all the men who haunted my dreams would be here today too.

Ceil, thankfully, has yet to re-appear in my nightmares, possibly signaling my demise through him was nullified. Yet the mystery remained on if this world was truly a game or if it was reality anymore. When I spoke to Ricin, who remains the only one to know of my nightmares, I was told that I could possibly find answers in the Fairy Kingdom from the Queen who was said to have existed during the founding of this world. I could get my answers there if possible. Which meant I would need to make the possibly fatal journey to her domain.
I knew I would not be allowed to leave on my own, even with Ricin, by the over protectiveness of my Father and Mother. Vincent, if he knew, would either come with me or stop me by force as well. This left me with only the option of leaving a note and running away to accomplish my goal.
Money was not an issue for me, even without my family's assistance. I had finally taken it upon myself to create a small business known as La Flores, which sold my newest cosmetics and decor under my own name. I had used the money I made from the profits my mother gave me for my inventions that went to the family business named after me. La Flores was managed and ran by a few trusted servants who wished for a change of scenery, and a few guards that took security watch of the store which resided in the Noble section of the Capital market.

Through this, I was a self made millionaire.... or not. I was well off now, even if I was disowned the store was created through my own means and ideas, so no one but me held rights to its profits. I did not need eternal wealth, nor was I wanting to dominate the world in which I resided in. It was surprisingly peaceful, and not much crime occurred outside of the norm of human and living creatures greed and evil. Women, while still not considered completely equal and often married off in Noble society for family connections, still had power and rights which could be earned. Commoner women were surprisingly better off, able to own their own land if come upon, and much more. I could guess now why the Heroine and Rosalia were so different. I grew up in an eat or be eaten society which monitored my every move, coupled with the strictness of rules and etiquette that could ruin my or my family's reputation at the drop of a hat... while she... just lived a happy and normal life. Free from the pain of growing up early, free from crushing rules, and free to choose who she loved. I respected that about commoners, as a past one myself.

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