Chapter 23: Happy Birthday

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Age: 14

*Vincent's POV*

It had been 3 years, 5 months, and 11 days since Rose had left home unannounced.

I was terrified at first. Small and fragile, I was sick to my stomach with worry at the thought of her getting even a single scratch. Her swordsmanship lessons were only for basic self defense... sure, she had her fairy's magic. That wasn't enough for me though, I wanted to be beside her always. To protect and make sure she never got hurt.

When I went to her room, and found the note she left, I nearly murdered her pathetic and useless maid. I had already planned how I'd end the fairy's life if he ever messed up. How hard is it to keep up with one little girl? With the distinctive features of a Vermillion nonetheless? How did she even leave the city gates without being caught?

I gathered my personally trained guards to search for her, and they only found her traces which disappeared near the forest line...
It had aged mother and father greatly, and they turned the entire Kingdom upside down to search for her until her fairy came to us a few months after she ran away.

The urge to tear his wings off and mount them above my bed was strong.

His only explanation left me even more eager to take a body part.

"She's off training with some Mermaids, she should be back in a few years" the lazy bastard had said while lounging casually on her bed. As if my entire world wasn't missing in some remote and unknown location, completely alone... possibly even dead.

Though, when we received news of her hand in helping our maternal grandparents and their Kingdom, mother and father were extremely proud. Honor to the family was enough for them to accept her disappearance. It only served to piss me off more.
To pass my time, waiting, I trained even harder. Gerald and Maxwell were my main partners in my physical training. Father was excruciatingly tough in his teachings, a true military style man. Surprisingly, the bastard black Prince was no joke when it came to the art of war.

The only oddity that occurred in Rose's absence was meeting a strange girl at the Royal Palace on one of my visits to the shitty Prince's study hall lectures. She was a poor Viscount's daughter, a mousy girl with curly brown hair and soft honey brown eyes. In terms of appearances, she's average... a little dull but with a good facial structure. She was truly odd, and not in the cute way like Rose... in a sinister way. Her eyes were wide and seemingly innocent at first.
Our meeting was by accident.

I was 12 at the time.

I had been wondering the halls of the palace, bored and waiting for the lecture hall to start.
She had been running and just as I turned a corner, she ran into me.
Of course, as much as I wanted to push her away when she ran into me, I grabbed her before she could fall and steadied her.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry... I wasn't looking where I was going. I was chasing my fairy, please forgive my rudeness sir..." She was awkward and fidgeting much like Rose does when she's in trouble and knows she can't hide it. Rose looked cute when she did it, and while this girl gave off the image of a small animal, it didn't strike any cords inside. I was a master of faces, so recognizing hidden intentions wasn't difficult for me.

"Vermillion" I was short with my response, hoping the girl would leave sooner. While her gaze appeared remorseful, she also looked far too expectant. As if she was waiting for more from me. She was all in all... a nuisance.
Nothing remarkable about her at all.

The odd thing was when I tried to brush past her, she called out my first name... which was extremely out of the norm for Nobility.

"Vincent!" Her voice went shrill for a moment which hurt my ears.
When I turned her eyes were a little wild and unfocused.

"What?" My tone was curt, and when she flinched, I felt the urge to sneer. I hated the 'pity me' air she carried. I had no need to pretend to be an innocent and sweet child anymore, not after Rose accepted me as I was. While it made mother lonely, I was more comfortable dropping the act.

"I-I was just going to ask which way the Library was...?" While it was a question, she seemed unsure if she asked the right question.


"N-no idea?"


"Are you sure...?"


Her face went blank before becoming a little red. She and I both obviously knew where the Library was. This was more to piss her off than anything else.
A viscount's daughter approaching a Duke's son is also an oddity. She was obviously trying to gain something by this meeting.

So I cut it short, and walked away. Ignoring her idiotic cries for me to stop.

Our meetings after were similar, much like at Tea Parties or Balls hosted by the Royal Family that I could not avoid.

My time seemed to flow backwards. The ache of not having Rose slowly changed into a growing rage.
If not for Gerald keeping me sane and somewhat in control, I would've burned Kingdoms down in order to find Rose faster.

So I joined the Royal Order at 13, anything to distract me from her absence.
I was promoted quickly for my skills in combat, and made Captain by 14.

Then, at my birthday celebration, she showed up.
As easily as she disappeared, she showed up again into my life, smiling like she always had.

Despite my overwhelming urge to shackle her in our prison, I stayed calm.
I decided to instead visit her at night in her room.
Showing up slightly sad like I had done as a child, which always worked in allowing me to stay the night.

"Rose..." She was quick to answer the door for me. When she saw me, I was surprised how small she still was, even at 15. She had missed her coming of age ceremony.
Her hair was much longer, and she was without a doubt, the most beautiful lady in the Kingdom. Her eyes were more vibrant than before... and they held more mischief that worried my heart but made me smile.

"Can't sleep? It's been so long, come sleep with me"

Ah... yet she's just as stupid as before.

She's so quick trusting.

"You've gotten so tall... it makes me a bit lonely. Do you remember how I used to be taller?" She was trying to make conversation as I got comfortable in the bed too big for even two.
She was right, I was nearly a head taller than her now, her head just coming to the base of my neck.


"I'm still your big sister you know, you're just bigger physically" she seemed a bit jealous as she stared at me for a moment before huffing in an adorable manner with her cheeks puffed out.



"Why'd you leave? Just like that? No letters..." my voice was soft.

She was silent for a moment, refusing to look at me.

"You know, something told me goodbye would be even harder than leaving... I needed to leave. I was so weak..." she carried off.

It was as if an invisible force was keeping me separated from touching her heart. She was so close, yet so far from me.

One day, I'd get her to rely on my strength.

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