Chapter 6: A New Strategy?

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Today was like any other, except the exceedingly cold weather had caught up with the outside world and now snow gingerly painted the ground. It looked like a winter wonderland, one I had seen in my blurry past-life memories. A large city in a world known as Earth was called Tokyo, where I slaved my days away like a common shut-in. I cared little for anything besides my research, no family and no friends in my life. 

This also meant I didn't do the normal celebration held in my past world, like Christmas or New Years... I don't recall ever playing in the snow either. 

I had made a vow of change however! I would live happily with my family, make enough money on the side to live comfortably in the country side, and grow old with a cat on my lap. 

Due to the suddenness of my memories returning to me, and the very real fact that I had become the 'villainess' in an otome game none the less... I had steadily pushed the issues I would encounter in the future off to the side in my mind.

To live a happy life however, I would need to come up with some strategies! Since the future that the game would force on me would involve multiple gruesome deaths unbefitting of the light hearted game scenarios and characters, I have concluded some action needed to be taken. This is my second chance at finding love and happiness, I will not allow some 'heroine' to take that away from me. She can happily play with her harem of men while I sip tea and watch from the sidelines. 

From what I can recall from the game, the 'heroine' as her name is unknown, will appear at the prestigious Frare Academy. Both of us, along with the other four capture targets, and one hidden character, will be fifteen or older. The age of an adult for commoners is fifteen, while the age of adulthood is fourteen for nobles. Nobles have their coming of age party at fourteen, where they show a display of riches and connections to aid their children later in life. Then at fifteen almost all noble children, and a few commoners with the ability to use magic, go to the Academy. 

That is when my 'precious' fiancé... he is nothing more than a child now so I can not harbor any feelings of love... becomes captivated by the kind hearted commoner woman who can use light magic. Very cliche... 

Of course, all the other capture targets are my fiancé's close aid candidates, which is quiet disturbing when you think about it logically. The prince claims a woman, who is ironically loved by all his close and trusted friends... and in the harem route... they share her. I nearly felt bad for the poor heroine. Otome games usually gloss over the harem route as something sweet and innocent, but reality is, sex is involved. I may be in the body of a six year old, but as an adult who took many biology lessons and overheard my coworkers less than subtle bedroom talk... I am not ignorant on the ways of men and women. 

The capture targets in order from my fiancé, Crown Prince Ceil Von Jaeger De Frare, are...

Maxwell Von Lockhart, first son and rival of my family, Duke Lockhart. His character is supposed to be flirtatious, comedic, and lighthearted. A big brother character, but with a mischievous twist. In this route... he ties me up after torturing me for three days and nights, and feeds me to a pack of rabid dogs. Of course the innocent heroine doesn't know about this complete yandre turn of events. Maxwell is also the cousin of my fiancé, the King being Maxwell's uncle... so he has a strong political and financial backing. His in character appearance is a tall, lean muscled, fair skinned man, with dark blonde hair and bright green eyes. A handsome but homely boy, not someone you'd imagine murdering me in such a vicious way....

Next, is Gerald Bel Cowell, first son and only child of Earl Cowell. He is a super cute and fairy type, the shortest of the capture targets but not the weakest! He is completely two faced, being a sweetheart in front of the heroine, and mutilating the noble girls who bullied her behind the scenes... I was one of them. Gerald quit literally strangles me to death, but not before carving his name into my stomach with a knife and branding me. Despite his fluffy and curly brown hair and sparkling baby blue eyes, he is a legitimate psychopath. I want nothing to do with that scheming problem child. 

Lastly, is Phillip De Lionel, the first son of Viscount Lionel, and the soon to be head Knight of the Palace guard. A stern and stoic man, hard headed and stubborn. His dad is head Knight now, and he will surely follow in his shoes. Phillip is a true Knight character, while quiet he is kind, and unlike all the other main capture targets, he is too stupid to be two-faced. With a strong and rough apperance, he initally scares the heroine, but with his dashing efforts and of course still beautiful face, he becomes her friend. He is the tallest and most muscular among the targets with black hair and brown eyes, but more softhearted and genuine. Even my death was kind as I only had to drink poison, and I had a fair trial were evidence was gathered. This is the only target I would consider being friends with. 

I meet all these capture targets on my 8th birthday. 

Of course... the biggest issue and the hidden capture target...

Vincent De Vermillion, the adopted son and heir to the Vermillion Dukedom... and my soon to be brother. 

His route is the most difficult due to me, why? I tortured this poor soul because I was jealous of the attention he received from my mother, whom I idolized. I did everything, from treating him worse than a servant, to physically trying to kill him. Amazing how he survived too, because even though the game Rosalia was stupid, she was still clever enought to dispose of those she did not like. 

Vincent is a seemingly quiet and sweet soul, with lovely fluffy pink hair like mother and sweet brown eyes, along with a manly and professional build due to father's harsh military training and avoiding death by my hands. Yet his character is the most twisted. The other capture targets have their difficulties with the usual servant trying to poison them, or attempted assassination, but they had good families. Vincent does not. 

Due to Rosalia's lies, she made him into a problem child. Father is uselessly harsh on him, while mother is cold and uncaring. Rosalia herself was the worst, but this boy had no allies... which makes him the most starved for love. In his bad end, he kidnapes and repeatedly rapes the heroine until she is completely severed from the outside world and stuck with terrible stockholm syndrome. He then forces her to marry him and have his children. Even in his good end, he is extremely possessive and hateful to anyone but the heroine. 

What happens to me, might you ask? Despite the name of the game and outward appearance being sweet and lovely, this game incorporated a lot of messed up scenes. My ending through Vincent is the most awful... I am given to a group of bandits to be used and abused, while my parents are burnt to death after being crucified. Then, I am tortured by having my limbs cut off slowly over time until I'm on the verge of death and insanity. Then, Vincent takes off my head, and burns it on a stake in front of the city to show the Vermillion family's strength. A truly fucked up scene... I had a hard time with how different the cute fluffy scenes with the heroine were compared to my downfall scenes. No cute banishment or expulsion. Just hateful death. 

My solution to this mess of events? Be a good and loving sister to Vincent, a good and well behaved child to my family and servants, and be smart enough to finish school at the Academy while not disturbing the heroine. Of course, during this time I will quietly do my best to break the engagement with the Prince to avoid him taking drastic measures of getting rid of me. 

Why am I so leisurely about this? Simple. I have the best backup to anyone trying to hurt me, and that would be my trusty partner Ricin! Angering a child blessed and contracted with a high level unique fairy would damage this kingdom, something the game Rosalia did not have! With Ricin, I can have a leisurely and happy life, while I can stay far the hell away from any crazy men obsessed with a single woman. 

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