Chapter 18

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I wake up to a loud crash; we've landed. Everyone is stirring around me. 8 heavily armoured guards open the cage and storm in, one for each of us. A short but muscled man towers over where I am lying against Jesse.

," Get up," He growls, usually I would fight back but I calm myself and stand.

," It's all part of the plan," I think to myself as I turn around and feel the cold metal cuffs around my wrists.

But then it really sinks in, we know this is what we have to do but looking around and seeing my friends so scared. Mason and Harley, shooting desperate looks at one another. Lilith staring at the ceiling, Hera her slim body shaking. Jesse looks at my his gaze strong and sure, which grounds me for a moment.

The guards start escorting us away from each other, and I shout an all too final," I love you," To Jesse.

He smirks (How is he even functioning right now, I'm holding back tears) and replies," See you on the other side, my love," before my guard tugs me roughly inside a cold stone building and my friends, my family vanishing from sight, perhaps for the last time.

When the guard reaches an empty cell and switches my restraints so one on my hands is chained to the back wall, I have sunk into a pit of despair. He steps out of the grimy cell and locks the iron door. ," Your public execution is in 2 days, your Father is so disappointed in you,"

This better work, or well, we're all dead.

I watch the sun go down through the bars, the shards of sunlight warming my face, if only for a moment. I hate this, the waiting, not knowing if we'll live or die. Before long my head grows heavy and I curl into the most comfortable position I can as I let go.

A soft tapping noise interrupts my slumber, a small bird carries a letter in its beak. I gesture for Terrance to drop the message and I scoot it towards me Unfuling the small scroll I try get my hopes up, but why would they send a note if they weren't coming.

Neat cursive meets my eyes, and relief spreads through my body, muscles I'd never noticed relaxing. They're on their way. I grin up at Terrance.

," Take this to the others," I say," They could probably use some reassurance,"

As I toss it up to him and he soars into the night I lay my head against the cold, damp stone feeling my lids slip down once more. 

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