Chapter 9

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[A/N] Slight spoilers for the fault in our stars movie, which if you haven't seen, you should. 

I gasp, my mind can't comprehend the sight I see. Rubble, even lingering dust and smoke in the air. Debris on the ground, mould growing on the remaining walls. A warzone, or that least it was. I cough, the particles aggravate my throat like the thoughts encroaching my mind.

," You ok," Jesse says, he looks kind of worried

," I... I'm not sure..."

Jesse walks closer and lightly touches my shoulder," We can go,"

," No, I needed to see this, you were right I'm sorry," I say I'm, breaking down into tears.

," No, no, you have nothing to be sorry for, I shouldn't have pushed you so hard," Jesse frantically apologises.

," Well, I believe you now. My people are not innocent, or at least most of them aren't. I'm just struggling to process that they did this,"

," At least now you know,"

," Yeah, yeah I suppose,"

He puts his arm around me and I tense up a little, before reciprocating

," Thanks Jesse,"

," For what,"

," Just for being here, you're a good friend,"

I freak out a little, are we friends. I think of him like that, but does he feel the same.

," Of course, I know you haven't been here long, but I really like you,"

," Me too, I mean you're so passionate. I could never be like that,"

," Sure, you could, you just need a good teacher,"

," So, you're going to teach me passion," I say with a light chuckle

," Haha," He can't contain the smirk that escapes his lips.

," What is something wrong," I say a little panicked, it sounds a bit weird now that I think about it. What if he takes it the wrong way.

," I got you cheered up, are you feeling a bit better,"

," I... am. Thanks again,"

," No problem, do you want to head back now, if you're up for it, we have a lot to teach you."

," Ok, I think I've seen enough,"

We turn around and lay our arms at our sides, I feel a strange cold creep in. I kind of wish he'd left his arms there, maybe he could be more than a friend. No, I'm getting ahead of myself.

We talk a bit on the way back, but nothing significant. Soon we're back at the apartment, Jesse opens the door and we come back to the group waiting like puppies in the main room.

," I told you guys not to wait up for us," Jesse says, but he looks happy they did. I didn't realise but it had gotten quite late.

," It's barely even dark yet, Jesse. Calm down," Hera moans and wonders over.," You okay after that,"

," Yeah, I guess, it's just a lot to take in. But I see what you guys mean, they don't deserve mercy after that."

," You bet they don't," Blayze protests from the sofa.

Harley disentangles himself from Mason and comes over to us," I think it's great that you can face up to the past. Oh, mason stop pouting and get over here,"

," It's cold without you cuddling me," he says coming over and wrapping himself back around Harley, who is trying to hide his clear enjoyment of this.

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