Chapter 7

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," Beep, Beep," I wake to a hushed alarm. I turn it off from under my pillow and sneakily climb out of my bed. I head out into the dark streets, stars shining up above. As I cross the border, my chest relaxes, I find the store fairly quickly and go in. The same guy from before is standing there, he looks like he's about to pass out but when I come in, he straightens up and smiles.

," Back again so soon,"

," Plans changed. My mother died," he comes over to me and hugs me, it's strange because we are barely friends but comforting at the same time.

," I'm sorry, you're safe now. I promise, want to come and meet my friends,"

," Sure, I just need a new start, away from Aligen."

We climb some old stairs and emerge into a rustic apartment, spray paint on the walls, tattered rugs on the floor and a very odd collection of people.

First a girl, my age as they all are, with dark hair and bright eyes, she strode over first," Hey I'm Raven. Jesse hasn't shut up about you for days, so it's good to meet you," Jesse, so that's his name, cute. And this Raven seems so cool.

Then the rest announce themselves in turn, Blayze who's covered in tattoos, tall, muscled but seems kind; Lilith, dyed green hair, vintage jewellery; Harley, blonde, a bit younger than the rest; Hera, dusty blonde, thrift store clothes, looks like a goddess ; Jesse, a bit taller than me, dark hair and eyes, leather jacket and ripped jeans, band tee and old trainers andMason, rainbow oversized hoodie and grinning like crazy.

They're all, perfect and they own themselves, in a way I had never been able to do. The confidence rolls off them in wave and their wings covered in scribbles and scrawls iridescent to glow in the dark, every colour of the rainbow. It's art, in its truest form.

," Hi I'm Evangeline I lived in Aligen but my dad killed my mom for coving up my treason and now he's corrupted the entire government and I could stand it anymore, so id love it if I could join your group and never go back there,"

," Sure, you can," they say," but just saying, if you're with us you'll be back in Aligen soon. We're not just friends, being a rebel gang we hope to take down your father, and decompose your old home."

," Oh, you know what that sounds amazing, maybe some revenge will make me feel better and Aligen beliefs are nothing but stifling not to mention fake."

," Good to have you onboard," Jesse comes over and puts his arms around me," Want to have a tour,"

," Do you have a bedroom I can stay in, I'm wiped, maybe a tour tomorrow."

," Of course, 2nd door on the left there's a bathroom opposite on the right."

I follow his directions till I collapse on the softest bed I've ever felt. I fall asleep straight away, and this time no dreams haunt me, I'm safe and happy and I have my future to look forward to.

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