Chapter 14

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[Time skip coz it's the first draft and I wanna write the good bits 😊]

I'm sitting in yet another meeting, yet another perk of being an official senate member, when my phone from Vimeravi goes off. Personal phones are banned in Aligen only business and home phones are allowed. Harley would only risk blowing my cover like this if it was an emergency right, I mean I have almost all the info I need I was only planning on staying about another week. As the phone rings, very loudly, I start to draw attention.

," Oops, guess I'm done here, bye,"

," Evangeline, what is going on," my father says through clenched teeth, clearly aggravated.

," I'm a rebel Dad, and my friends in Vimeravi need me, so bye,"

,2 Get her guards, she's a criminal and she has important information, she must be silenced,"

And this is where I'm glad for the stamina I built up with Mason, as I doge the guards half hazard blows and run for the stairs, the elevator isn't gonna cut it in a high-tension situation like this. Soon, I'm dashing out of the building, a stream of people chasing me and shouting. But the adrenaline boosts me, especially when I finally pick up the phone,"

," Harley what is it, my cover is obliterated and I'm on the run now," I pant

," Be here ASAP, it's an emergency,"

," what happened,"

," No time, just get to the apartment,"

," K,"

I put all of my energy into my legs and push into a final sprint over the border, where they stop, thankfully. They'll be back, but they know they'll need some serious firepower to get into Vimeravi.

With my entire body screaming in pain, I race up the millions of stairs and collapse outside the apartment door, summoning just enough power to lightly knock on the door.

It opens cautiously, but when they see is me, they bring me in and I lay sprawled out on the couch.

," what happened," I say, starting to get my breath back.

," Well, something happened,"

," Wait, where's Jesse," I say starting to panic.

," That's the thing..."

," Where is he,"

," We... don't know,"

," We think he's been captured, but it's not a group from Vimeravi, so we don't know what to do,"

," And it can't be Aligen, since you would've heard,"

," Is there anyone else,"

," No, that's why we were hoping for a full report from you, maybe there's been a new development, does Aligen have any allies that could've done this,"

," I don't think so, Aligen doesn't really have any allies,"

," We'll just have to keep searching then,"

," I want to help, but Aligen's gonna be on our tail now, even more than before,"

," We'll handle that, you should go out looking for him, there might be something you see that we didn't,"

," okay,"

Jesse's POV

[Yeah, we have a second POV, I'm really excited to show you what's in his head, this scene will be fun!]

I wake up with pounding pains all over my body, I try to get up or move at all but my body is rigidly chained to the wall. Struggling in vain, I let out a low grunt. What happened, I was simply going to get supplies for the week and on my way to the store, I felt a sharp blow to my head and went unconscious. What about Eli, what if this is some plot by her father to lure her out of her disguise, I'm I going to ruin everything. I can't put her in danger, I have to get out of here and find her.

Just then, a beautiful woman enters the darkroom, bringing an ethereal glow with her.

," Hello, Jesse darling. So sorry to have to keep you like this, but I fear it's the only way you'll co-operate."

," What are you doing? Who are you?

," So many questions, you are curious, well my name is irrelevant and I am taking over the country and killing you and your friends."

Shock emanates from my heart and my pulse rapidly increases, this is a new kind of battle, a new category of warfare.

," Now, let's get started, you won't let this happen right, you'll do anything to protect your friends etc,"

," Uh, yeah I guess that's right,"

," I knew it, you rebel heroes are so easy to predict, so mundanely loyal,"

," Loyalty is a good thing, do you have any friends,"

," No, I am not so inferior as to require companionship,"

," I will never surrender to you, so just get on with whatever you're gonna do to me,"

," As you wish, Terrance, fetch me the supplies,"

A small, puny boy wheels in a cart with various instruments on it. The woman puts on some gloves and picks up a sharp knife, with a slightly deranged look she pierces it into my shoulder. I can't help but cry out in pain and she chuckles at the sound.

," I will never stop, Jesse. At least until I get bored, then I'll put a chip in you too,"

," A chip?" I say, panting slightly already.

," But of course, I need someone on the inside and you will work perfectly so I put a chip in your brain which will make you bend to my will and do everything I say," She says, still with an angelic grin on her face.

I lay my head back on the cold stone behind me, as she plunges a dagger into my other shoulder, I already feel weak but I can't give up, I have to buy Eli time in Aligen. So, I take a deep breath and endure her onslaught of never-ending pain,"

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