Chapter 4

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When I arrive home my Father was already here. ," Why would you speak out like that Evangeline, you embarrassed yourself in front of the kingdom,"

," Don't you have any feelings Father, how could I not protest, you're going to kill Mother and you don't even care,"

," Of course, I care, I care about our reputation, this country, don't you see I'm trying to protect you. I can't believe you would be so ungrateful,"

," Ungrateful! All you care about is yourself,"

," Evangeline, go to your room right now, I'm not letting you get away with this behaviour, you will be punished for this,"

," I'm already being punished, my mothers being murdered," I shout as I storm upstairs.

Sitting on my bedroom floor, I wasn't sure what I could do, then it hit me," I'm going to rescue my mother and run away," I thought to myself now only one thing left, how to do it.

I'm on a time crunch, with Mother being executed in 5 days, I'd have to get her out of the country before then. 

Day 1:

The following day, I makeup with Father, of course, it's all lies but there are certain sacrifices one must make. I spend the rest of the day in my room,  Father has grounded me until the execution. I spend my time wisely, and I slowly come up with a plan.

I will ask to visit Mother tomorrow and scope out the cell, then I will return on day 3 and plant some helpful disguised items in the cell, bombs. On day four I will visit again and I'll be taking my Mother with me. Then we will make a run for it towards Vimeravi, our only haven, at least that's what I hope. I feel better now I know what to do, having a structured plan has always helped me navigate my problems well.

Day 2:

I get up early and review my plan, it seems perfect. Then I head downstairs to ask the big question, the question that will determine my mother's fate.

," Father, may I please leave the house to go visit mother in jail, you can accompany me if you like, I just wanted to say goodbye and that I'm so disappointed in her,"

," I suppose that would be acceptable. But I will have the guards keep a close eye on you, we wouldn't want her escaping, would we,"

," Of course, not Father, Mother must face the consequences of her crimes,"

Then I head off to my country's only prison, usually empty as the countries citizen are far too terrified to break any rules.

I'm led down a bleak corridor by the head guard and leader of the prison. He's a burly man, with a mashed-up face and piercing eyes. I swallow loudly, this might be harder than I thought.

We reach an iron door and the guard leader pulls out a heavy and bulky keychain, which is full. He selects a key with the characters C479 on it. That must be mother's cell code, I swiftly commit it to memory. Then I walk inside to see mother curled up in the far corner, dishevelled and crying. She slowly looks up, and a smile spreads across her unwashed face. How is it that even like this mother is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, instead of making me sad, this only makes me more determined? I will do this.

," Evangeline," mother whispers. She sounds so weak, it breaks my heart. With my voice I say, "You deserve this mother, I'm sorry you had to disgrace our family. I'll be happy once your gone, the best thing you ever did was confess," but with my eyes, I say," It's going to be okay mother, I'll get you out of here,".

I am filled with relief when I see a flicker of hope in my mother's eyes. She has the message; the plan is set in motion. Then mother slides further into the corner, acting to the best of her ability.

," How could you say these things, Evangeline, I...,"

I scan the room while mother weeps. There is a crack in the upper left-hand corner of the cell, maybe if I load bombs there, it will crumble away like sand. Now all I have to do is make sure this is an outer wall, thankfully there is a window just above mother's head. I walk around the cell a bit, appearing like she I'm pacing and sneering at mother's situation but I'm really rotating so I can see the left corner. Ahah, it is an outer wall, this is so perfect, it's like the world wants this to happen. It's my destiny.

My thoughts are interrupted as the guard cuts through the air with his gravelly voice, "Miss, your time is up, if you'd let me walk you out,"

," Of course, sir. I'm done here for today anyway," sending one last disgusted look at my mother. Then I stride out the door, towards my future. I'm sure I can save my mother; it's all I can think about.

Night 3: 

I have no idea how to get bombs, but I have one guess. Vimeravi. I head out in the middle of the night and sneak across the border. Aligen despises Vimeravi so much no one would ever go there, so the security is weak. Within a few streets, I see a shady looking shop and head in. Woah, there's an extremely attractive young man behind the counter. ," Hello sir, I was wondering," I continue in a hushed voice," where could I purchase explosives,".

," I think we still have some fireworks left from the Freedom Festival if that's what you're looking for,"

," No. I mean proper explosives, bombs and the like," I say, trying to use slang to become unnoticed. However, I fail.

," You're not from around here are you,"

," Perhaps,"

," Wait for a second, Oh God, I recognise you."

," No, you don't,"

," Yeah, you're the princess of Aligen,"


," Okay fine, ill leave it alone, I have some bombs in the basement, come on down,"

I follow him into a dimly lit basement. I immediately see some bombs stacked in the corner," I'll take the lot,"

," Really, are you sure, these are pretty powerful."

," Yeah they've got to break someone out of prison,"

," Aligen prison break out. Wow, you are someone to tell stories about,"

," Well I might see you again soon. Then you'll have even more stories to tell about me,"

," Really, not sticking around after becoming a recognised criminal,"

," Wasn't planning on it," I say, handing him a wad of cash.

," Thanks, hope I'll see you around. If you ever need somewhere to crash, this stores always open, if I'm not here one of my friends will be on duty and you can just ask them,"

," Bye for now, and thanks," I say as I leave the store, my explosives bundled up in a blanket he gave me as an add on. I hurry home and it's only then I realise that I didn't catch his name.

[A/N] Hey readers, if there are any of you. I know I'm in the middle of a sequence, but this chapters getting super long so the breakout plan will carry over 2 chapters. Pls, comment if you like or have any suggestions. Thx again for reading.

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