Chapter 20

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I take a deep breath, the crowd's attention fixated solely on me.," While you all believed me missing, I was in Vimeravi, hatching a plan to take down my father. I fact, I only came back as a spy to collect information and proof that my father is not fit to rule, which I have,". A gasp echoes through the masses, a domino line of realisation toppling upon them. That their perfect heir was in fact a dirty traitor.

," The gods are fake, they always have been," If what I heard before was a gasp, this was a hurricane, faces contorted, a few let out tears. ," Long ago, before the war that split apart our two cities, there was one kingdom, as we have all been taught," nods followed, though they were shown on faces still etched with disbelief. ," But what our ancestors did not pass on to us was the knowledge of an ancient war we fought, as one people. Yet we did not have any spirit to fight with, what did dying matter if there was no purpose to living. So some revolutionaries began to tell stories of mighty beings who could judge based on our behaviour on earth and would reward or punish us when we died. This spurred people into action, for though it seemed impossible to be true when people are hopeless, they will cling to anything within their reach no matter how unstable it may be. They were only meant to be legends and were passed down through the generation as such, but stories are unreliable and after many years a new set of revolutionaries saw how much they could gain by exploiting these tales and began to build the society we suffer in today," a weight lifts off my shoulders, I did it, the truth has been let out into the world, now they must decide what they will do about it.

," How do we know you're not lying for your gain, just like these so-called tyrants you speak of," an old man speaks up from the crowd.

," Did I not speak of proof," I gesture behind me towards the cities central tower, where Raven and Blayze are returning with, well, filing cabinets but they are very important filing cabinets.      ," These are all the records detailing the very events I speak of, all of which are straight from the vaults of Aligen,"

The citizens gather around the precious files and begin to truly accept my words, they stumble as they see how many years they have wasted saving themselves for an afterlife they will never reach.

," What do we do now," A young woman, looks up at me from a small pamphlet, propaganda for the new government system.," That is your choice, do you want to elect a new leader or will you run free and abandon society completely,". I try not to seem arrogant, but I fear I come off as too controlling.

," You," I startle," You should be our leader," she stands and approaches me, others begin to notice her proposal and a choros begins.

," Yes, there is no one better,". ," You saved us from this dreary existence, you deserve to be rewarded,". ," And we know we can trust you,".

Soon I am surrounded by clamouring innocents, begging for me... me to take the seat of power, to unite the cities to form a kingdom of prosperity. ," But I am no more fit to lead, I know nothing of ruling a kingdom,"

," Haven't you been training since birth to be the next queen,"

," Yes, but I failed miserably in my training, I am not ready to rule alone,"

," You won't be alone, we'll be your council, your court," Raven reassures me.

," Then, yes, I humbly offer myself as the ruler of Aligen, and Vimeravi," I kneel to my new subjects but they lift me, insisting they be the ones to kneel. Then I am reminded of my father who is, to say the least, utterly astounded.

," What should my first act as queen be then, my esteemed subjects,"

," Execute him," the smile with vengeance.

I must follow my orders, though I will rather enjoy this, as I firmly place my fathers head to the ground, holding him there with my foot on his back. I take out one of my katana's from its scabbard across my own back and rest it against his neck.

Shouts of," Do it,"," He deserves this," surround me. I would like to be a merciful ruler, but I must also be strong and I cannot disappoint my peoples' first request. So, in a sweeping arch, I lift my blade and with a deep breath, I slide the glistening steel into his neck, haring his flesh split under my hands and he lets out nary a sound as his chest deflates. The crowd erupts in cheers, the tyrant is dead.

I am... not exactly happy but peaceful, calm, relieved. Jesse embraces me tightly and I melt into his welcome warmth. I need him so much right now, I don't want to ever leave the safety of his arms, but the people need their queen and there is much work to be done with the formation of this new kingdom.

," People of this new land, may I ask something of you,"

," Of course your highness,"

," I wish to name Jesse as my second-in-command and all of my friends as my royal court, will you accept them as your leaders,"

," Yes your highness, if you trust them to be our friends they can only be brave and we need a strong court if we are to build our new land of prosperity,"

And so it is decided, I am a queen, it seems so impossible yet it is true. I look up at the sky as the sun is beginning to sink toward the horizon, the end of a day I will never forget.

," Let us remember this day as the formation of our soon to be great nation and trust in each other that we can fight each day to make this kingdom worthy of the magnificent people who dwell within it," the crowd erupts with cheers for a final time and disperses. Then it is only us, me and my friends, my new family.

," Your highness, may I approach you're your royal royaliness," Mason kneels his nose actually embedded in the gravel.

," Why yes, my liege," I let out a chuckle and we all burst out in cackles laying back on the hard ground. This is our time.

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