Chapter 19

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[A/N] Time skip because it's the first draft so I have an excuse to not make sense to anyone but me.

It's the penultimate morning, a guard opens my door and I smile. Time to put on a show.

It's hard to swagger in chains, I've discovered but I'm trying my best. When I see the others my act nearly falters, I don't know whether to grin or weep at them. Everything is going to plan so far but it all depends on Eris. I trust Raven's judgement but I can't help but worry it's all some ruse.

There's no time for that though, not today, because today I will avenge my mother, free my people and stay alive. I know that's one hell of a checklist, but some days are meant to be productive. I don't know why my satirical side comes out when I'm in danger.

But none the less, I keep my thoughts to myself as we climb aboard a grand merchant vessel, it must be taking us to the capital.

A sharp hit in the side of the head, black.

When I wake, I'm on my knees, hands still behind my back. The crowd is noisy around me, we must be in the square. My heartbeat picks up and I am very aware of my breaths. I look to my left, Jesse he is here too though not to be executed.

My Father's voice rings in my ears, his immaculate fingers tilt my chin up to him.

," My Darling Evangeline, my greatest pride. You have failed me. And so you shall be punished. I had planned a great speech about all my hopes for you and how deeply you have betrayed this country, but I decided it would be a waste of breath, we all know what has happened so it's time for you to pay. I shall give you the honour of going last, so you can see your so-called friends die,"

I blink, and my eyes widen in desperation. Please Eris, please come and soon.

," You there," He points to Raven as she grins around the square, revelling in the battle to come. For a battle would come, there was no way around that. It was, kill or be killed.

He gestured and she stood, with surprisingly little difficulty, considering the constraints. She walked defiant and powerful in her steps, closing her eyes as she rested her neck in the noose. She trusts Eris that much, of course, she's coming.

My father stalks over to the lever that will mean my best friend's doom, he will not hesitate, this death means nothing to him. I close my eyes, knowing deep in my heart, they will come because, well I cannot accept any other possibility. I hear the trapdoor swing down, my eyes flick open and I lurch as I see Raven dropping from the rope. But, she is not dead, no her eyes are bright as the morning sun and she leans out of the noose and drops to the ground before embracing her lover and twirling around and around, then in a moment of blissful ignorance they melt onto each other's lips and I cannot the suppress the smile any longer.

My own cuffs clatter to the ground behind me and I turn to see the young boy I injured in the battle all those months ago.

," My names Darren, and you can apologise later for nearly killing me,"

I can only nod, he's right, guilty as I feel we have work to do. We can sort out our problems later.

He hands me my two katanas, which I swiftly grip. This is what I've been waiting for, the bite of the cold steel in my hands. And it erupts...

Chaos is everywhere, the guards gathered for the event all draw their weapons and try to fight back, but we're just too quick, too powerful. In under a minute, everyone is free and armed. And we don't just want to escape, I'm going to do it. I'm going to kill my father. That's all it will take, then the shock will guarantee us victory.

So I slash with my dual blades carving my way towards him, no longer caring if I maim or murder along the way, these men and women are soulless they believe they shouldn't enjoy their lives, so why should they be granted the privilege of living at all. The general stands before me, finally a worthy opponent. My fathers closest associate and his trusted advisor.

He holds a heavy blade, I know I can win. He has decades of experience over me, but I am agile like no one has ever seen. We kept my gifts secret from everyone when I completed Lillith's obstacle courses faster than she'd ever seen. When after minimal practice, I could evade any of Mason's attacks. And now, when I counted I almost hopped with glee in anticipation of his face when he sees what I have become. How much stronger, better I have become.

He lunges first, his pride leading his actions, but I know every move is calculated. It's what makes him different from the rest, he can map out a battle in his head and see every outcome. But when I slide away from his blade his eyes widen slightly and I know all his plans have burned to dust. In his moment of weakness, I plunge my blade down to his chest the other wrapping around the back of his neck. He is still the smartest man in Aligen however, so he carelessly parries my thrusts. For this is my weakness, though my defence is impeccable my attack is still weak. So I cannot penetrate his barriers, while he presses me harder and harder. His blade slips down my right katana I slip my left under to catch his sword and send it flying, but my left hand is weaker and when in such a precarious position, I feel the bone snap and my katana clatters to the ground. He does not give me a chance to retrieve it, as he is instantly dealing swift his on me. His onslaught is so powerful I use both hands to deflect his blows, my footing becoming sloppy and my wrist screaming through my head. Did I value myself too highly, I spare a second to absorb my surroundings, nothing of use. Only pairs duelling and civilians fleeing. A wall creeping closer with every step I yield to him, if he gets me cornered that will be the end, he will gut me with no hesitation and happily watch those guts splatter on that wall. No, that is not an option, my guts will remain firmly inside me for many more years. So I fall to my second weapon, deception. I stumble over a crack and she swoops in the wall behind me in a matter of moments, as he poises his sword for the killing blow, I press my heel to the base of the wall and as he strikes I push off, narrowly missing his blade and landing on him before he has time to panic. I plunge my katana into his heart. The light in his eyes fades and I leave him.

I spot my father once more, huddled in a corner alone waiting for his second to return. Weaving through the warzone, halting only for a split second to sweep my fallen katana from the ground, I head straight for him. He seems so weak shrivelled with shock I don't want to kill him at all, I want revenge, satisfaction. I want to feel pain and fear and loss. So I decide not to kill him in that moment, not out of mercy but to ensure I can savour his suffering. For what is the fun in killing a king before making him watch his kingdom fall.

And I am upon him, my blades resting on his shoulders the tips crossing under his chin. ," Kneel," I whisper to him and he does. This power, I breathe it in and shout," This battle is over, your king has fallen. And I will execute him now if you do not yield this land to us,"

Slowly the guards lower their weapons and place them on the ground. I grab some cuffs off the ground, and secure my father within them, simply a precaution, he is too cowardly to fight me.

So I leave him and stand on the hanging podium.," This country is broken. Your gods are fake, your lives are wasted and I can prove it,"

And there at the place my mother died, I explain everything I learnt.

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