Chapter 13

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Today is a sad day but also the start of a new journey. I am leaving for Aligen, the one place I thought I'd never see again. I emerge into the living room to see everyone gathered around, solemn looks on their faces. Jesse stands up and hugs me, I'm a little surprised but it's nice.

," I am going to destroy Aligen, I promise," I pledge.

," We trust you," Hera smiles.

," If you're in any danger, come back straight away. Your safety is the priority," Jesse grips my shoulders tightly, he's shaking slightly.

," I thought I was just your little spy," I say, with a smirk because I know it's not true.

," Come on Eli, you know you're a part of the group now, part of the family," Raven shoves Jesse out of the way lightly and gives me a reassuring hug.

," And we need you home safe," Lilith joins the hug.

We all leave the apartment and head to the border, where I'll cross and say my final goodbyes. I should be gone for about 2-3 months though I'll try to be as quick as I can. Plus, we'll be keeping in contact through a wireless, long-range, very sophisticated, walkie talkie! I know, not the most impressive piece of technology, but Harley designed, well modified it himself and I trust his handiwork.

Far too soon, the border wall looms above us. I take a deep breath and turn to the group," I'm not a fan of goodbyes, so bye I guess,"

I am promptly bombarded by hugs once more and I think there are some wet eyes in our huddle. I manage to weave out and everyone composes themselves.

," You'll be amazing," Lilith 

," See you soon," Blayze

," Keep us updated," Harley

," Knock 'em dead," Hera

," We'll all be cheering when you return victorious. Go, Eli, Go Eli!" Mason

," I'm really gonna miss you," Raven

," I don't want you to go, but I'm so proud of you. Just, come home. Please. I need you much more than you know," he kisses me softly and sweetly.

," Thank you all so much, I can't wait to see you all again, bye,"

I wipe my eyes, which have started to drip and hurry across the wall before I change my mind. I look back once; I can't help it and wave. They all wave back and smile. Yeah, I can do this. It's my turn to have some fun, some action and most importantly, revenge.

And soon enough, I'm back. Aligen, in old – torn clothes, the ones I left in. The perfect cover story, ahh here come the guards. Now, time to put on a show.

I stumble over to them, looking weak and innocent and fall into their waiting arms.

," Miss Evangeline, is that you,"

," Yes, yes oh thank you, can I please go and see my father,"

," Of course, miss, he'll be happy to see you're safe,"

Yes, he will and in his panic, he'll forget about our fight and my grief over my mother, he'll be so happy to see me he won't question anything and fall right into my trap. All I have to do to right the wrongs of the world is to be the perfect daughter, the perfect heir for a few months. It can't be that hard right?

We're at the house now and when my father opens the door, I successfully fake cry and run into his arms too. He seems surprised but holds me tight, I can't remember the last time he showed affection like this. Anyway, he brings me inside and takes me upstairs.

," You should change your clothes, it might help, ease the pain,"

," Ok, but what should I wear,"

," Pyjamas seems appropriate, you deserve some comfort,"

That shocks me and I let it show, he NEVER lets my wear PJs outside of the bed, it's in a way breaking the laws, as pyjamas are fun clothing when worn around the house. Is he seriously breaking laws for me now, I knew leaving (well really, I'm faking being kidnapped, but you get the gist) would change things, but not so quickly or drastically?

," Thanks Dad,"

," Be quick, I'll make you some food, you must be starving. I love you, Eli, I'm glad you're back,"

Now, this is insane, nicknames are illegal, in fact, I shouldn't have even called him Dad, and he's never acted like this in my life. Is it because of my absence, Moms death or being a senator? I need to figure it out but this person Is so different from the one I've always known, if he acts like this, I don't want revenge, I want ... well I don't know, but I have bigger things to think about, so I push the matter aside and get dressed.

I go downstairs to more strange occurrences, a gleaming stack of pancakes, the butter oozing over the sides with the dusted sugar creating a mouth-watering combination. I sit down tentatively and my Dad smiles reassuringly," I know this may not be what you're used to, but I'm senator now, we are exempt from the God's restrictions, we atone enough just by ruling others,"

,2 Well then, why did mom have to die,"

," To grant us this, I could not become senator without a sacrifice, and Irene was the sacrifice the gods required,"

I want to rage at him but my revenge will come, and at least this way, I don't have to doubt what I'm doing.

," Ok, I suppose that makes sense, It doesn't make it right but I forgive you,"

," Thank you, Evangeline, everything will be different now, I promise,"

We tuck in and this .... this flavour explodes on my tongue. It's like Vimeravi, but without my friends,"

I miss them already, but I hope to be home soon.

," Father, since I was kidnapped by that rebel faction in the north, I've realised something. I don't really know much about running this city. Can I be more involved please,"

," Of course, If you're rested enough, you could come to work with m today,"

," I'd love 5hat, it would be the perfect introduction into my future,"

," That passion, I admire you, Eli, you will be a much better senator than me,"

," How could I possibly be better than you Father,"

," You'll learn, in time,"

We quickly finish up with breakfast and we get in his black limousine. Soon, I see a towering white building ahead, with its glistening windows and what looks like 100 floors I am quickly intimidated but I stride in as though I ow the place, as one day I will. This is the most vital part of the plan; I must establish a presence in the sennet and gain their trust. So, I can take it down from the inside. We step inside the elevator and ride it to the fiftieth floor; Father leads me down a sunlit corridor to a grand door at the far end. I enter to see a semicircle of middle-aged men, the senate.

," Good morning all, I would like to introduce my daughter and heir Evangeline,"

," It's a pleasure to meet you and I hope I can make a valuable contribution to the city with all of your expertise and guidance,"

They all nod rather solemnly and my father takes the seat at the apex of the circle, he gestures to the empty seat on his left and I gracefully slide onto it. The meetings actually pass rather fast, as I meticulously take notes in a small book I remembered to bring. Not only can I send these back to Vimeravi but taking notes also makes me look like a hardworking and dedicated potential co-worker to the senators. My plan is working perfectly so far, and I am feeling confident.

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