Chapter 8

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When I wake up, the sun is streaming through the barely open windows, the city around me is buzzing with energy. I walk out onto my balcony to see people flying everywhere, couples' arm in arm, children learning to fly everyone looks so happy and free, this is exactly what I've always wanted, I just wish my mother could be here. Just as my happiness depletes, I hear a knock on the door. Jesse comes in slowly," Hey you feeling better,"

," Yeah, thanks,"

," You know, I really needed you. I don't think I realised it until you walked in, but you give me, us a chance in this world. And it's probably going to be hard, I mean we're fighting for something we might never achieve, but. Well, yeah, you're giving us a much better chance,"

," I believe in us, you guys are all so passionate and I think I can be like that. We will win, and we will do it without any problems because were fighting for something good and we can't lose,"

," If only it was that easy Evangeline,"

," Call me Eli,"

," okay, Eli, you haven't ever done anything like this before right. I mean apart from the prison break,"

," No,"

," Well, there's a lot involved, and we'll have to give up a lot, especially you. I mean you're going to have to go back soon,"

," I know what I signed up for, Jesse, and I don't mind. I will do whatever it takes to get revenge on my Father,"

," Well we should probably go talk to the others, get planning and stuff,"

," Okay,"

He turns back inside and I follow him to the living room, everyone's sitting around the TV. Harley and Mason, lap cuddling, to my slight surprise, but it makes me smile. They are rather adorable. Raven spots us first," You ready for some plotting?"

," Yeah, I think so. Go easy on me though, it's my first day,"

," Don't worry we won't,"

I gasp," Uh,"

Raven saunters off to a large table off to the side of the room. It's covered in papers and snippets of newspapers and pens. Everyone gathers around, I have Jesse and Raven on either side of me.

," So, what is the plan?" I venture.

," The plan is that we will teach you everything we know about Aligen, then you will go in, pretending to be kidnapped by a rebel group from a different country, you say that you barely escaped with your life, that kind of thing, your Father welcomes you back into court. Of course, we'll have to train you on how to act as a spy,"

," Oh spy, I like the sound of that,"

," I know it sounds good, but it's a dangerous position to be in. You always have to watch your back, especially since we'll be keeping in contact with you," Blayze adds in.

," Yes, you will observe your Father and report back to us daily, or nightly if that's more convenient. Then once you have something we deem worthwhile or incriminating, you can come back and we will release the information to the world. Aligen will be irreparably damaged, and we can expand Vimeravi into their territory while they are weak, converting the citizens into a no god religion."

," But what if they don't want to convert,"

," Simple, we make them,"

," Jesse, I know my Father is misleading and needs to be removed from power, but the people are innocent,"

," Are they really, they fought in the war,"

," What, the war where Vimeravi massacred thousands,"

," Wha... We didn't murder anyone, it was an ambush, we could barely fight back, never mind massacre,"

," No, that's not what it says in the history books," I say in disbelief.

," Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but your history books are wrong,"

," But,"

," Hey, we get it, it's just the way you were raised, but we know what really happened. You have to trust us," Hera says.

," I do, it's just that it feels like my whole life I've been lied to and I don't want to learn the truth. I'm weak, I know but I almost want things to go back to the way they were,"

," Well, I'm sorry but that's not how it works, you're in a new country now and you're going to have to accept the truth," Raven says.

," I might have a solution. You can't argue with hard proof," Jesse says.

," Jesse, wait you're not talking about," Blayze says.

," She has to learn how they act," 

," It'll break her,"

," She'll survive,"

," What is it," I say.

," There's a place on the outskirts of the city, it's the only remnant of the old city. It was left there after the war as a reminder,"

," I want to see it,"

," No, it's too much,"

," Hey it's my life. I need to know,"

," Jesse," Lilith says, her voice calm but her face wary.

," I'll take you now. This can't wait, and we can't continue to plan the future if you don't even know the past,"

," Yeah, let's go now, doesn't anyone else want to come?"

," No, I'm good," Raven says with an almost indiscernible shudder.

," Yeah me too," The rest of the group echoes.

Me and Jesse head out of the apartment. I'm a bit nervous, but I'm sure it'll be fine. I mean, surely, it's not that bad.

Flying FreeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora