Chapter 10

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I wake with a warm feeling on my forehead, I open my eyes slowly and am immediately blinded by the sun. I scramble under the covers as my eyes adjust. After about a minute, I emerge from my dark fortress and run to close the curtains a little. I stay in my PJs since they're comfy and I get the feeling this is a very casual apartment.

I walk down to the living room, the only one up is Hera, whose leafing through a book on the couch," Morning," She says, getting up," Now, you're up, we can wake up the boys and get them to cook,"

," Why couldn't you do that,"

," They say I get up too early, so I have to wait for at least one other person to be up before they start making breakfast," she shrugs.

," What time is it then"

," 8,"

," They've slept long enough then, let's go wake them up,

Before we can, Raven stumbles in, rubbing her eyes.," Last night was great, but I'm beaten. Are the boys up, I'm starving?"

," We were just about to wake them," I say.

," Well, you should wake Jesse, if you're not too embarrassed," She smirks and giggles.

," What happened last night," Hera questions, hungry for gossip.

," Jesse and Eli got a bit romantic," I blush, hard.

," Oooo, you should definitely wake him up then, I'll take Blayze, and Raven you can have the loverboys,"

I sneak into Jesse's room and walk over to his bed. I perch on the edge and tap his shoulder, nothing. I tap a bit harder, still nothing. I shake him, quite roughly, and he wakes with a start," Ahh, I'm awake, Hera, why you got to be so lazy, can't you cook your own breakfast," His eyes are clearly still bleary with sleep so he can't see me so I whisper in his ear," Not Hera,"

," Eli, sorry about that," he rubs his eyes and sits up, thank the gods he's wearing a pyjama top.," But, you do know I can't get out of the bed if you're sitting on it," he laughs a little.

," Oh sorry," I quickly get up, chuckling.

," Help me up," he says, pouting like a little kid.

I grab his hands and pull him up, and once he's standing up, he wraps me in a soft but strong hug. I hug him back and rest my head on his shoulder, it's the perfect morning moment.

," Hurry up lovebirds, we're hungry and the boys say they won't start till everyone's there," Raven and Hera stick their heads in the door, shattering the romantic mood.

We stop our embrace and follow them back to the kitchen.," What should we make then?" Blayze, who is standing proudly with a pink apron on and a fluffy chef's hat.

," Your speciality, it's the best omelette in the entire world,"

," How does bacon omelette sound, Eli," Jesse, who refused to be utterly bossed around by the girls.

," Sounds brilliant, as long as you're making it," I say, cutely and give him a quick hug.

He shakes his head with a small sigh and joins the others. They make quick work cooking many omelettes, enough for one each. The strong scent washes over me and I breathe in deeply, the salty bacon and mellow egg is a perfect combination. And after only a few short minutes, a beautiful breakfast is in front of me.," Thanks," I say as Jesse sits down beside me.

," Taste it, I want to know what you think," he says.

I tuck in and am pleasantly surprised by the soft but supple texture, with evenly spread crispy bacon. I take a sip of tart but refreshing orange juice. We are all finished within about 10 minutes.

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