Chapter 6

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When I finally wake up, my eyes ache, they must be worn and red from all the crying. Then it hits me once more, but instead of sadness, I now feel burning anger. Then I hear hustle and bustle, I get up and look out my window, the streets are filled with people, this is rare. And there's my father standing in the centre, he looks to be making some kind of speech or declaration. Something is wrong, at least wrong for me. I can just tell by the way I shiver goes down my spine.

I see my father finish, take a bow and head towards the palace, flanked by his personal guards. I get dressed and rush downstairs in time to see my father take his seat in the living room.," Father, what's going on, why are there so many people in the streets," I exclaim.

," I have announced your upcoming wedding to the duke of ( to be decided)," what, a wedding, I cannot b married to someone I didn't even know existed until just now," and the city seems to be excited about it,". I can't believe this; my dad is using my mother's death to secure my sad future. He truly has no emotions.

," That'smagnificient, it's nice to hear that traitor's death had one good outcome," I lie. My father nods and agrees and I head back upstairs to work on my next plan, I still want to move to Vimeravi and I have a place to go once I get there, it seems quite attainable. I could go tonight, I realise but what about my father, he'll just come looking for me, maybe I could fake my own death. Not too complicated. Ahh I have an idea, I'll leave a note detailing my crimes, hopefully he'll abandon me and I'll say I've gone far away. He'll never look in Vimeravi, it's too obvious. Yeah, I feel a bit better now I have a purpose again. I get to work on my leaving letter, I can leave in the middle of the night, just like before, except this time, I'm never coming back.

I head to bed early, about 9 pm as I'm leaving at 12 am, I hide my alarm under my pillow so no one else will hear it and slowly drift away.

[A/N] I know this part's really short but this is basically an outline of the book, its gonna get a lot more detailed in the 2nd draft. Thx for reading.

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