4 : Long talks

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As I was walking home - I didn't want to go back with Jin nor Mia - to think and have a little piece because you sure can't have that when you're with Mia or Jin . I went to the park near by I sat down on a bench and texted my parents and Mia so they don't worry .

While I was lost in my deep thoughts I didn't realize that someone was sitting beside me on the bench, I looked up and Jungkook was just standing there, " can I sit" he said while pointing the bench. I nodded.

I was a bit nervous not gonna lie, " so...what are you doing here alone? Jin must be worried!" he said as I was trying not to laugh " yeah. Jin. Worried. Good joke. Although I did text him so it's fine".


"and what?" I asked.

"well you didn't answer my first question".

"oh that!" I genuinely forgot, I wasn't ignoring the question "well I kind of needed some alone time you know, and well with my family and Jin at home, you can never get some alone quiet time". 

"hahahahahaha yeah with Jin you can never be at peace , but don't tell him I said that though " he said giggling . 

After that we talked and laughed for a while we decided to leave the bench and walk around , after a while I checked the clock  " It's getting pretty late we should head back home even though I prefer staying here , at peace hahahahaha".

  "yeah I guess you're right ". He said a bit disappointed .

"so...i'll see you tomorrow..." I said before walking away , but his voice stopped me " are you serious ? You really thought I'm gonna let you walk alone home ?! I'm walking you home !"

"no need really , I don't want you to think you're obligated just-" 

"shut up " he said playfully punching my arm " I don't feel obligated , I want to !" I blushed at his words , he was being really nice to me and I liked it .

We walked home still talking about nothing and everything until we arrived , and of course I was going to invite him in , it's not like he's a stranger . " Hey Kooks do want to come in , maybe have a cup of tea or something ?". 

"It's the first time you call me Kooks-" I interrupted him before he could finish his sentence " I'm sorry I know only the boys call you that it's-" but then I got interrupted by him holding my hand and saying "It's alright , I like it , at least now I'm not only 'Jungkook' to you , but this  is only until we find a special nickname for me too , not only Jimin gets one " I giggled and said "so ... how'bout that cup of tea ?" 

"I really can't I have to go home before my parents get worried , but thanks tough , maybe another time "

"yeah " I said a bit disappointed . He  waved at me while leaving , I waved back , and when he wasn't visible anymore I entered the house only to get attacked by questions from Jin and weird looks from my parents , only Chae wasn't paying attention . " Why are you back this late ? " Mom asked shushing Jin who was so inpatient .

"I was with a friend at the park , why are you asking though , plus I didn't pass the curfew , I mean you never ask Jin when he's late !" I said a bit mad .

" It's not like that honey , it's jus you're only late when you're with Jimin or Mia and well Jin called them and you were with neither of them , so we got a bit worried ...."

"What are you saying ? That I have no friends ?" I said  even if it's a bit true , but I was hurt that they would think of me this way , but before mom could say anything , that annoying brother that I have had to speak "well yeah you have Jimin and Mia and....? "

"Ugh leave me alone " I said before heading to my room but dad's calling stopped me " y/n , one more thing . With who ? "

I mumbled "Jungkook "

"WHA- " Jin shouted like a crazy old women . He pissed me off so I added " he even walked me home , but he didn't have time to come in , guess he didn't want to see your face ".

"first of all shut up , everyone wants to see my worldwide handsome face . And second of all , do you know that Jungkook's house is really far from our house and our school and that his driver stop his services at 7 pm , it's 10 pm now, poor Kooks he has a long ass walk to arrive home. I'll call him to see if he need a ride ". I felt awful poor him , but I didn't know , no one ever told me .

After a while Jin came back " He found a ride , lucky for you his driver was still willing to work after time ". 

"Good " and I went to my room all happy thinking about how he stayed just to keep me company , just like a kdrama I watched once .


Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter and enjoyed your Christmas even if we couldn't be all of us with our families because of Corona 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

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