15 : Arcade

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Just the way she talks and how she gets all excited when I ask her about something she likes or she enjoys, and the way she starts to explain it moving her hands around with glowing eyes... I never payed attention to those details with girls before but what can I say y/n is different...

As we were all eating and having fun with decided to skip dessert and head to somewhere fun, at first we didn't know where we should go, there were many places, but also they were a bit far away and there's a lots of walking till we get there. As we were thinking Hobi kinda shouted all excited :" Eyo guys we can go to that new arcade they are opening!" 

Jimin continued:" yeah I heard about it, I even heard that it has all sort of games and-" but Namjoon interrupted him " yeah yesterday my little brother went with his friends, and they had a lot of fun!"

"Then I guess it's settled. Let's go to the arcade!" said Yoongi getting ready to go.

We paid for our foods and got out , as we were walking I let the others walk in front so I could be alone with y/n , it's not like I wanted my alone romantic time with her, I just wanted to talk to her I guess more than I wanted to with someone else, she was still walking with the others, but I held her hand and pushed her a bit back so she could be at my level. 

"Hey can you stay with me? I'm really not feeling like chatting with the others and I also didn't want to walk alone, I mean only if its fine with you, I don't want to keep you from chatting with the others and-" I didn't get to continue because she interrupted me:" no no I'm totally fine with it plus you're doing me a favor, I don't like talking when there's a group of people chatting, even if I know those people really well I prefer talking with one instead of 10".

Y/n's POV : 

We were still walking a bit far from the others and I noticed that Jungkook is still holding my hand from when he pushed me back to talk with him. I mean I don't mind it at all, but I was afraid he could feel my heart beatings from my hand, because when I tell you my heart beats are uncontrollable it's literally like a wild animal on the loose. And honestly I hope I'm not sweating, like I hope my hand isn't sweating I don't want him to feel that I'm nervous or anything, I want him to keep holding my hand- 

My thoughts were interrupted by Jungkook's voice "Hey, are you alright? you were just talking and then you stopped" so I replied quickly "oh I didn't notice, I guess I was carried out by my thoughts hehehe oops" so then he asked what I was hoping he wouldn't ask, because then I would have to lie... but he did "what were you thinking about?"

"well you know nothing I guess just some random thoughts" I rambled, he nodded and didn't ask further questions.

When we arrived to the arcade we were still holding hand, we didn't pay attention to it, and we didn't pay attention that the others might notice and think of something we are not. I don't need to say it you know exactly what happened... the others saw us right before we could unlock our hands and they were like 'ooh the love birds'

'should we leave you alone?'

 'get a room'

They were making fun of us so Jungkook got mad and said:" fine will go without you if that much you're bothered by us being around you !" So he took my hand again, stormed out and led me into the arcade.

Once we were there he looked at me ,letting go of my hand, and his eyes went wide open just like he realized something "Oh I'm sorry I didn't think it threw or think about if you wanted to stay with them, aish, I just get really mad when they start to make fun of me and take the jokes a little bit too far, look I completely understand if you want to get back to them but if not we can have fun t-together, Oh my God what am I thinking I'm sorry you should get back to them I totally ruined your-"

"would you shut up and pick a game for us to play" he looked at me like a happy kid and grabbed my hand for the third time today and went straight to the DDR machine AKA the dance dance revolution machine or like they say in other countries the dancing stage machine.

He put some coins in and let me choose the first song. We literally danced our hearts out like some kids who never saw such machine before, and at this very moment, when each song ended, and we would be panting like crazy, he would flip his hair with his hand and lift his head up, staring at the sky trying to regain control of his breath, looking so damn gorgeous, I mean how can someone look that handsome after dancing his heart out.

After rounds and rounds of dancing we decided it's time to stop and maybe try some other things but a voice that I'm familiar with called me "Hey y/n I didn't know you were here..." I looked over my shoulders and I saw Chan "what brings you here y/n?"

"oh hey Chan, I came here with my friends and Jungkook" he looked at Jungkook and said "Hey there" to which he didn't reply, he just nodded and waved his hand once. I could feel the tension between these 2 but I didn't say anything about it. So I decided to 'break the ice' "so what are you doing here Chan?"

"well I came to see the new arcade everyone was talking about and play my favorite game... but turns out I can't"

"and why is that ? not strong enough?" said Jungkook ironically but Chan was fast enough and replied directly "actually no, my favorite game is the DDR and I needed a partner to play, so I guess y/n you'll do me the favor right?"

"well I-I-" but before I could continue what I was about, to say the others came out of nowhere and hyped me up, they were like 'yeah we would like to see you dance' 'yeah come on' 'I bet you can get the highest score'. They literally pushed me on the DDR, even though I didn't want to dance, especially with Chan. I mean I still don't know the boy very well and I don't want to leave Jungkook alone.

The game already started and everyone was watching so I had to play. Honestly it was kind of fun but I prefer to play it with Jungkook. When we finished I smiled at Chan and got off the DDR to see where Jungkook is, I looked around I couldn't find him so I asked Taehyung because he's the closest one to him "where is Jungkook?" he looked at me then looked at the floor and said in a low voice "he left". 


hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter 💜💜💜💜

uff I'm really mad about the grammy thing, like c'mon it's 2021, stop being racist, like you can't understand how much I'm mad but I'll stay silent cz if i start I won't finish.

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