Epilogue (end)

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3rd person pov :

After prom, summer passed and Jungkook and y/n decided to go to collage together, they stayed 5 years in a perfect relationship, going on cute dates, being loyal to each other.

But when they had to go study for their degrees they decided it's better to break up because they were each going to be in a different country.

They didn't want a long distance relationship so they broke up but on good terms. They stayed friends, but after 1 year and a half they barely had time to text and drifted apart.

Years later when they already started working back in their hometown, the school threw a 'party' for the old generation of students, they both met again there, it's wasn't awkward at all at first (lol) but at the end of the night it's was just like old days.

The next day, jungkook invited y/n on a date, and they started going out again, one year later they were engaged, and then married.


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