22 : Who did this ?

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The next day, at school, as I was walking to my locker everyone was looking at me weirdly, like I'm some kind of criminal. I didn't know what was happening so I texted Mia and Jimin, as soon as I saw them I ran to them "what's happening guys? why is everyone looking at me like I'm some kind of weirdo?" They looked at each other debating who should be the one to tell me, but I was patient enough to wait for them :" damn it you guys! Just tell me" 

"well" Mia started, she looked at Jimin he sighted " you know the test we had today? well apparently you sent to the whole school the answers and the principal is now on his way to search your locker to see if the papers you sent are there..." by the time I processed what was happening the rest of the boys were there.

"OH MY GOD! you guys I-I would never like- I- how would I even have the answers, and If they search my locker they will find nothing there!"

"well if you say so, let's just go, the principal is on his way" said Namjoon walking back to where I was few minutes ago beside my locker, Jin put his hands on my shoulders and leaned to tell me "don't worry I know you would never do this, and we'll prove it" sometimes I really question myself about Jin, but right now it wasn't the time think about that I needed to prove that I didn't do such thing like someone did it and how would I even have the answers like why!

We arrived there and the principle stood before me :"y/n I have permission to search your locker because sources told us that you send the answers of the exams to all the students and that the papers are in your locker" so I replied to him Mr. Wetherby why would I even have the answer?! how could I even get them and from who?! I'm sure you will find nothing there!" 

"well y/n there's only one way prove it, can you open your locker please?" I glanced at him :"with pleasure Mr. Wetherby" I opened my locker and there it was the answers to the exam that I supposedly send to everyone, I was shocked I never laid my eyes on such thing and now everyone will think I'm a liar at least I hope not everyone everyone...

I tried to explain myself I tried to tell the principle that I've never seen those paper in my life but he wouldn't believe me, so I followed him to his office as he asked, and call my parents, of course they were furious, but I know mom and dad will believe me and I'm sure there just furious because they know someone is doing this to me not because I did this! Oh and most importantly that jerk of a principal that wouldn't hear me out expelled me for 1 month ugh!

My parents arrived I was still in the principals office when they came and he told me to wait outside. I was trying to hear what they were saying through the door but I couldn't so I sat there trying figure out who the hell would do that, and why? 

When they came out my mom said :"so you're expelled for a whole month, but you'll have 3 days to pack up your stuff and get all the things you need to study and all the homework the teacher is gonna give you" and then dads continued :"y/n we know that you wouldn't do such thing but we can do much, not until the person who really did that confessed."

Oh I'm gonna find who did this, and when I do he or she is not gonna be very happy!

I want to sit somewhere else but then I got text so I decided to check it out:

Private number :

this is only the beginning bitch, you will regret ever taking Jungkook from me. try not to resist too much xoxo.


Oh so this is what is all about Oh my God but why would anyone be mad, I mean to my concern Jungkook didn't have even an ex girlfriend, who could that possibly be... as I was reading the text messages I got from this private number yesterday and today, I didn't notice that the boys and Mia were around me and that they saw the text, I didn't want to tell them but they already knew so there's no point in lying to them... 

"I will kill that bitch-" began Jungkook but Namjoon interrupted him " language"

"so it's really not you" giggled Yoongi

"well thanks for believing in me" I rolled my eyes

" don't get me wrong I would've found that pretty cool if you actually did it" he replied back

"YOONGI" shouted Hobi and Jin at the same time giving him that parent look. Then suddenly I felt hands wraps around my waist, I looked back it was Jungkook giving me a back hug, (how sweet of him) he leaned and whispered "don't worry we will find a way to prove that you didn't do this" then he looked at the others rasing his voice so they could hear him "if only we could figure out who's the person behind this that would be may be easier to prove that y/n is innocent"

"if we showed the principle those texts y/n's been getting? won't that prove that she is innocent?" suggested Hobi. 

"actually no" replied Namjoon "because it doesn't specifically say that they are the ones that took the answers and made them seem like y/n's been sending them, so it won't officially count"

" y/n do you have any idea who might that be?" asked Taehyung. "I don't know I mean half of the school is all over Jungkook"  

"yeah we know that" he giggled, but then continued in a serious way (damn the duality boi) "but you know someone who would want to personally hurt you?" and then it clicked, and with me and Mia sharing one brain cell we both shouted "Erin!" ugh that bitch!

Unexpected || Jeon JungkookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin