6 : More Me

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As I rushed back to class before the problem could get bigger, I was thinking that yes I should finally try to show people who I really am! Why am I keeping my style and personality to my self? It's time I get out of my comfort zone.

Tomorrow's saturday, I'll call Mia and work on my make over with her and go shopping because that bitch Erin will see what I'm made of !

During class , when I was dozing of course I felt a hand on my thigh , my hand made her way to my thigh to feel a hand putting a paper in the palm of my hand . I took it and looked at Jungkook who was looking at me with his bunny smile before he turned to face the teacher back again .

On the paper was written ' Meet me after school and lets have lunch together ' I was surprised . no one ever asked me to go with them for lunch (except Jimin or Mia ) and especially one of Jin's friends , I mean yeah we  all sit together and they're basically living in our house but I was never asked out by one of them .  

I sent him back the paper with a 'why' on it , he looked at me and mouthed 'break ' . I waited till the bell rang so he could tell me why , he got out of the class , I followed and he led the way to the opposite hall where the cafeteria was " well you know who last time I stayed with you and heard you talk about your worries and stuff " i blushed out of embarrassment , and he might've noticed cause he continued "not that it's a bad thing I like chatting with you and hearing your stories , and that's why I want to go to lunch with you , this time it's my turn , if you don't mind of course"

"I don't mind ......but em ...why m-me?" I replied all shy .

"if you don't want to really it's okay, just forget it" he said and he was about to leave but I couldn't let him leave so I did what I had to do to so I had to hold his hand.

The feeling of holding his hand is not unlike walking on the edge of a cliff. My heart raced, pounding so fast, that it doesn't sound like heartbeats, but to a dull and obstinate hum... His hand was warm, yet I felt like a nuclear reactor.

"I really want to, believe me, but I was just asking why me because I thought you would prefer to talk to your friends about such things" I wanted to let go but he held it tight and looked right in my eyes and said  "but... aren't you my friend too plus you're the one who would understand me more"

"o-oh okay"

"I'll see you after school then" he said and left.

OH . MY . GOD . I'M GOING OUT WITH JUNGKOOK ! It's not like I care that much ..... I mean yeah I care , as a friend .

I waited patiently until it was the end of the day , and I told Jin not to wait for me , he kept asking me where? with who? basically giving me the third degree but I didn't budge. I didn't wait long before Jungkook showed up lol  "ready to go ?" he asked putting his hand out of his pocket for me to hold it . I was nervous , that's a fact but I hoped my heartbeats weren't that strong , I wouldn't want my heart popping out of my chest or him feeling that, wait what , no , never mind, as a friend . F . R .I .E .N . D. S. I guess.....

We were still holding hands when we arrived in front of a black car with shaded windows , he opened the backseat door for me and followed behind , I felt like royalty lol . The driver took us to some restaurant.

"where are we?" I asked him.

"this is a normal restaurant you would go to with your friends but this one has the best food you'll ever taste, I discovered it 2 years ago and you're the first one I brought up here". I smiled a his words.

He opened the car door got out and waited for me helping get out of the car even though I didn't need help but I like the way he's treating me, such a gentle man, I love it.

When we entered the place was a bit crowded, he chose a table in the corner and sat down so we can eat "I just wanted to say thank you for agreeing to come with me, I usually don't talk about this stuff but when we talked the other day I felt like I could tell you anything without feeling embarrassed". He said as we were waiting for the menus.

"I'm happy you chose me as the keeper of your secrets, it means a lot" I said smilimg.

"so it's about my parents, you know how it's always the driver who takes me places and everything, you must be wondering why, well my parents are always on business trips but when there're here, it's hell for me, they keep fighting all the time, and I know it's usual for parents to be like this sometimes but there was a time when we where very happy, and I felt you would understand cause you told me about how you feel distant with your family this past year and I know it's not the same thing but-"

" hey, kook, take a breath, relax, don't worry I totally get it, and I'm gonna help you I promise! But take a breath" I felt like I had to stop him cause he was speaking so fast and in a low voice and if he continued he might get teary and I can't handle this.

"I know it's not long since we started talking but I feel like I really can tell you anything, it's like I've known you for so long" I couldn't help but smile at his words.

Then the least expected thing happened which I wasn't ready for..... FREAKING ERIN AND HER POSSY WALKED THREW THE DOOR!

Then out of nowhere "hey I need to go to the men's room, order for me the same as you" and he went.

Why would he go like that? Is he ashamed of being with me?


I will say only 2 phrases :
1) i hope you liked it
2)im dying lol

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