17 : Tension

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The next day , Mia and I were waiting in front of the lockers that we decided to meet in front. Few minutes later, the others joined us, there's only Jungkook and Jimin left. We were all casually talking but no one brought up what happened yesterday... I was checking my phone when Mia pocked me, I looked up, Jungkook and Jimin were here.

I panicked, I just stood here looking like  a stick while everyone was looking at Jungkook with either worried or angry looks, but he was unbothered, he was standing there just looking at me, and not in the way he usually does.

I was about to say something, but first of all nothing could get out of my mouth, second of all I didn't even get the chance because it's a tradition they just don't like to let me speak, but that isn't important right now. The important thing is what Jungkook's gonna answer at Namjoon's question :" Jungkook we were really worried last night... what happened? why did you leave all of a sudden ?" 

And for the first time since he arrived he stopped looking at me looked at Namjoon :" hyung I don't want to talk about it." and he left. We were all a bit surprised by his behavior, I mean no not just a bit a lot bit! I mean what's wrong with him? why wont he say anything about the fact  he left yesterday unannounced ? Or why he's avoiding Namjoon's question? Or maybe because me and Mia were there...

I poked Taehyung from behind, he looked at me still puzzled by Jungkook's behavior and ask me what's wrong, so I explained:" do you think he didn't want to say anything because me and Mia were here?" he gave it a thought for seconds and replied :"I don't think so... it might be that but only just a part of it. I don't think it's the main thing why he won't talk... don't worry about it I'll try to talk to him when we are alone... I guess he'll tell me" I nodded and waved goodbye to him and the rest of the boys and went to class with Jimin.

On the way there I asked Jimin:" did he tell you anything yesterday... I mean I don't want to invade his privacy or know something I shouldn't... but I just want to see if he told you something... is it because of me or-" "Hey Hey Hey" Jimin interrupted me "no don't overthink it I'm sure it's nothing maybe he's just upset. And no he didn't tell me much about it yesterday he said he was tired and wanted to sleep so I didn't pressure him, but he'll come around I'm sure!"

I nodded and we continued our way to class, Jungkook was already there, I wanted to say hi, wave at him or something but I guess the I shouldn't be bothering him right now, so I went back to my seat just flashing him a smile which he didn't even notice. 

I was preparing my stuff for our first class when the students began to fill the room. I saw Chan coming through the door with some boys from our class and he came to sit beside me "Hey beautiful" he smiled at me. "um h-hi Chan" I didn't know how exactly I should be responding to that but yeah whatever our class is starting so I shouldn't be paying attention to that.

During class I couldn't help but notice that Chan was looking at me from time to time, I mean I think he would be still staring if I wouldn't be checking form time to time  too see if he was looking, aish what is wrong with him... does like me or something- wait maybe he does and- no NO what the fuck am I saying, a guy like Chan? liking me? yeah in my dreams.

I tried to be a neutral just to get through those first 3 periods and as soon as the bell rang I 'sprinted' out of there because this tension in class was way too high for me to be there. With  Chan looking at me all the time, Jimin trying to talk to Jungkook, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but they're literally sitting right in front of me and Jungkook very cold with him.

Once outside I was going to join the other for lunch but someone grabbed my hand, it was Chan "what do you want Chan? do you need help with something?" I asked to which he replied "well I need to talk to you, I need to tell you something can we go somewhere more private?"

" I-I don't know Chan...I-"but of course he interrupted me "come on it's not gonna be long I just need 5 minutes of your time, just give me 5 minutes. You won't regret it I promise!" what could I say, I said yes .

He instantly grabbed my hand and dragged me to somewhere quieter and more private. I wasn't a fan of the idea of being alone with him but whatever.

Jungkook's P.O.V. :

I decided to go straight to class even though there was still quite some time for the first period to begin, but I didn't want to stick around and have Namjoon giving me the third degree. I was sitting there, in class waiting when Y/n and Jimin entered the class, I directly turned my head to the other side so I can't be facing them, so they get the message that I don't want to talk.

Jimin sat beside me and y/n behind me, after a while the class started to get crowded and that is when Mr. Chan  decided to come and sit beside y/n saying:" hi beautiful" I wanted to punch him so hard, ugh I really can't stand this guy! what is he trying to do?! I'm really angry at them right now doesn't she understand that she's better off without him... more like better off with me it's not like I- never mind I don't want to think about it I just have to focus and get through the first classes.

We had lunch break, but I wasn't in the mood to eat with my friends, so I decided that I would just wander around the school, in the halls, but before I could get out of class I saw Chan grabbing y/n's hand and taking her in the opposite direction of the school cafeteria. Oh no he's not gonna get away with this, not this time, so I followed them.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll be updating soon, stay safe guys and I LOVE YOU All! 💜💜💜💜

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