10 : boyfriend ?!

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"Soooo... , you wanna tell me something ?" started Mia in her incredible annoying , teasing way " about something or ... someone ?" she said giggling , aish this girl . 

" Miaaaaa , staawp , we'll talk home . I don't wan-"

"Y/n ? Ah , I knew  it was you !" I was shocked , it was Chan ! "eum hey Chan " I said a bit nervous. "damn I didn't recognize you , you changed your style I see" . But before I could reply Mia did , like what the fuck , can I reply for myself once without being interrupted !

"yeah she changed her style ! and what about it ? and who are you by the way ? I never saw you ? Do you go to our school? Are you- " I couldn't stand there like an idiot doing nothing , what is she thinking giving him the third degree ! " I'm sorry Chan , this is my best friend Mia , Mia take a breath please and chill , this is Chan my eum friend ?! " I said unsure "he will be going to our school ".

"nice to meet you " he bowed and kissed her hand making himself  a place in her circle of 'might be friends' (even tho she's a 'baddie' she loves to be treated like a princess) . She giggled at his action and I swear I saw a light shade of red on her cheeks , but whatever , we'll talk at home .

"hey guys we- who are you ?" asked Jimin coming out of the store , "hi I'm Chan , y/n's and probably if she accepts Mia's friend too " he replied looking seductively at Mia . "yeah yeah whatever you want " she replied trying not to seem weird , Jimin was still scanning him from head to toe with his small eyes , Jimin's left eye is slightly, only slightly, longer than his right; his eyelid is also a little more parallel to his waterline than the the right eye. I'm the only one who noticed that , probably not because is unnoticeable but I just notice things , silent and shy but very observative ...

Jimin put his hand out and greeted him " nice to meet you " , I noticed that Jungkook isn't with Jimin so I asked him " where is Jungkook ? " 

" ah , he's still inside paying for the stuff he b- " and he didn't get to finish his sentence , Jungkook had already got his stuff and standing right next to us , and Chan just had to talk , like why , someone tell me ! " ah the boyfriend's here " did he just call him 'the boyfriend ' , my boyfriend ?!?! 

"eum what " I asked trying to stay calm .


"and what do you care if I'm her boyfriend or not ? " Jungkook asked a bit annoyed , I was glued in place and I could see Jimin and Mia trying to get a bit away , you backstabers come and get me too , they  were acting as if they are looking at the things inside the store that was behind us . Okay back to the scene you care about ...

" well if you are her boyfriend lucky for you , and if not ...lucky for me " Chan said , but the way he said it was just so innocent , as if he really means it in the 'good way ' you know , the he continued " hey look I'm not trying to make enemies , I'm still new here and I'm sorry for what I said , I'll see you monday at school " he waved before he bowed and said looking at me and Mia " m'ladies " and left before any of us could say anything . 

what did just happen , I don't know , it was a bit awkward so Mia said " we should probably head home , do you guys need a lift ? "

"actually yes , my brother took the car when we arrived and kook's driver is not on his duties today " Jimin replied , but honestly I had hoped they didn't need a ride . 


We arrived to my house  (it's the closest so they had to drop me before , Jimin's house is very close and Jungkook is sleeping at his place so Mia didn't have a problem dropping them off and come back to my place) as I was going out of the car , the backseat door opened where Jungkook and Jimin were seated .

" I just want to make sure she get there safe , plus I want to say hi to Jin " said Kook while we three looked at him weirdly .

We passed the mini gate and arrived to the front door  "thanks kooks , give me a minute to bring Jin do you want to come-" I won't even try anymore , somehow everyone likes to interrupt me .

"I didn't really wanted to say hi to Jin , I just wanted to give you this " he handed me a bag " don't say anything It's just a thank you for agreeing to listen to me and I couldn't not buy it , it really suits you , thanks for today " he gave me a quick smile before running back to the car , damn that boy has a big effect on the once dead butterflies in my tummy lol . 

I went straight to my room to open the bag and I couldn't believe my eyes , I love it , this is exactly what I would wear 

I went straight to my room to open the bag and I couldn't believe my eyes , I love it , this is exactly what I would wear 

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I was going out of the shower and I was surprised that Mia isn't here , she should be here by now , I was about to call her but she called me first (I SWEAR TO GOD PLEASE LET BE DO SOMETHING) I answered .

"ayo get ready bring everything you need for a sleep over I'm coming to gate you"

" wait what , why are we sleeping at your place ? " I was a bit confused here so she clarified " no you dummy , well you see Jimin's parents are out of town and we want to watch movies together like we always do like when we both sleep at your place , so why not sleep at his? You can say no , you know very well I'll drag you by the hair if I have to so get ready I'll be there in 5 min " and she hung up . 

But this isn't like our normal sleep overs , one , we usually sleep at my place because Mia sleeps in my room and Jimin the guest room or Jin's room . Two JEON FREAKING JUNGKOOK IS THERE. Three Jimin's city house is not that big so I wonder how we'll be sleeping , I wish we could go to his summer house It's way bigger .  And I don't have any reason to stay at home and knowing Mia I know I'm gonna be dragged there so better prepare myself , ugh I hate this ! 


Aish I hate myself for this cliffhanger , anyways sorry I took time to update but I was a bit busy .

I'll update as soon as possible I'll try , if you're lucky enough it might be tomorrow . no promises.


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