3 : Stare

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I never thought of him this way... No... Never... Okay maybe I had a crush on him but that was along time ago.

While I was lost in my thoughts I didn't realize that I was still starting at him, but the difference is that he was looking at me in a weird way now. I immediately looked away as if nothing happened and tried my best to look normal and that I wasn't staring at him but at the board in front of him. I kept my eyes on the board until I felt that his eyes were off of me finally .

As the class continued I tried not to look at him once so I won't get caught like before , meanwhile I tried to think about how am I going to finish all these kdrama I'm watching plus the anime and the books I'm reading , without mentioning home work . I wasn't the top of my class but I was for sure one of these ' exemplary students ' , at least with my grades , I don't know about the rest cause most of the time I stay silent , I never answered or replied when the teacher asked something .

Then the bell rang and made me wake up from all the thinking I've been doing , I rushed out of class and met up with Jimin - I tell Jimin everything , like everything so he knows about my little crush ....THAT I USED TO HAVE - I told him right away hat happened in class and all he did was laugh at me while saying " wow gurl you really aren't over this crush !"

"would you shut up , it was an accident , it could've been anyone who was sitting in front of me and the same thing would've happened " I replied back , which he only relied to with a "yeah yeah whatever".

As we were going down the stairs to have lunch with the others , Mia joined us .


They were all seated already when we arrived , I sat beside Hobi , Jimin sat beside me and Mia beside him . Unfortunately Jungkook was sitting right in front of me, I hoped it didn't happen, like this is so weird after... well... the stare.

As we were having lunch and talking about stuff I tried to keep a low profile and only chat with Jimin or Hobi. The Hobi asked " could I have your mochi?"

"which one? The one beside me or the one in my plate?" I replied giggling. Obviously Hobi and Jimin found it funny as for the rest they were busy with their conversations so they didn't hear, but someone did.

"If Jimin is your mochi, why I don't have a special nickname too! I wanna be your something too!" said Jungkook.

I blushed, but not so much, wait no I didn't blush I was just.... hot?! His words definitely didn't make me blush, it's not like I like him or something.

All I could manage to say was" eum I... I don't know... "

And I am really thankful for having Jimin rescue me " it's not like you're special to her or something, I mean I'm her best best friend " but no he made it worse.

" what! Noo. I'm someone special to you too y/n right ? " Junkook replied back.

" well... eum... yes of course... you all are" I stuttered.

And before anyone could speak I was saved for real this time, but by the bell.

I wasn't going straight to class, I had to walk around breath a bit.

My school strikes the perfect balance between modern education and vintage architecture. The vintage buildings of my school never fail to mesmerize me with their glorious beauty. That's why I like to walk around and zone out

However, their vintage architecture does not mean it is out-dated, as it is well-equipped with all the contemporary gadgets.

Along with our academics, extra-curricular activities are also organized at our school. As it does not measure everyone on the same scale. So it has all the facilities of a library, computer room, playground, basketball court and more, but there's one place that I love the most. The 'ballroom', it's not a gymnasiums decorated, no it's an actual ballroom, because our school was built on a big castle's ruins but this room was the only one that survived.

I love it not because of its beauty but the feeling of inspiration you get while looking or walk in it, and plus no one ever comes here, so I'm sure to be alone in here.


As I was walking home - I didn't want to go back with Jin nor Mia - to think and have a little piece because you sure can't have that when you're with Mia or Jin . I went to the park near by I sat down on a bench and texted my parents and Mia so they don't worry .

While I was lost in my deep thoughts I didn't realize that someone was sitting beside me on the bench....


Okay I'm sorry for the lame and short update but I promise that things will get spiced up once someone's gonna push y/n to do something.... I'm not saying more.

I love you all so much 💜💜

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