New Job.

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I woke to the sound of my phone alarm. I sat up and turned it off. I looked at the time "6:00" I put my phone down and yawned "I'm so tired for no reason." Then yesterday's events replayed in my mind. "Shit!" I scrambled out of bed and looked to see if I had any plan b. No luck. I took deep breaths "It's okay. I'll just pick some up on my way to work. I'll be fine." My room door opened "You okay in here?" It was Johnny. "Yeah. I'm fine." "Jaehyun told me about last night. I really thought you guys had made up." "It was just built up sexual tension." I started making my bed up "But it's gone now and I can go back to not talking to him. You know he told me that he hopes I get pregnant? Such an asshole." 

Johnny chuckled "Yeah, I know. He didn't mean it the way you took it. He just really likes you and wants you in his life. It's been hard for him and the boys without you." "Please don't use them as a pawn. It's not fair to them." "I'm not. I'm just saying that they miss seeing you almost everyday." I sighed "Listen Johnny. I get what you're trying to do but until Jaehyun can come to me like the grown ass man that he is, then I'm not talking about this." I grabbed my towel and walked to the door "Don't take it personal Johnny okay?" "I won't. But why are you up so early?" I smiled "You'll see. Don't be late for work." "O...kay?" I walked into the bathroom and did everything I needed to do.

I put on my usual khaki pants and a red long sleeve polo shirt. I grabbed everything I needed and went downstairs. It looked like Johnny was about to leave too. "You have morning shift today?" He looked at me and nodded "Yeah and night shift, so I can come home and take a quick nap and be back before 8." "Hard shift. Well good luck. See you at work." "No carpool today?" "Not today, I have to make a stop before work." "Okay see you then." "See you." I walked and got in my car and pulled off.

I went to a bake shop and got a mix of muffins for the employees, enough for people coming in at later shifts as well. I noticed that I was running a little late so I kinda sped through traffic. I got to work with 6 minutes to spare. I quickly went inside the store and clocked in. I went to the managers office, aka my office, and Eric was sitting and waiting. "Sorry I'm late. I stopped and got muffins." I held the box up "Want one?" He smiled "No thank you Mya." He stood up from his chair and gestured for me to sit down so I did. "Wow, this feels nice." "I'm glad. You know you were always my favorite." "Really?" "Yeah, don't tell Johnny that. But it's your work ethic and the way that you knew you were overqualified to work here but you still took that chance. That's why you're manager now. Well that and the fact that you're the only one qualified for this position." I chuckled and hugged him "Thank you so much." "It's really no problem Mya."

He pulled away "You know the ins and outs of retail already so you don't need tips and pointers. But it is that time to announce you as manager. Come on." I followed him to the registers near the front door and all the morning shift employees were standing there, including Jaehyun. Normally he never works morning shift because of the boys. "Thank you all for coming here and most important thank you for being great employees." Everyone looked confused. "Okay I'm gonna get right to it. I am resigning as manager and Mya is your new manager." Everyone clapped and I felt really accomplished, like I've finally done something with my life.

"Thank you guys. I'm gonna try to be the best manager I can be. Now, back to work. Thank you."  Everybody dispersed and went and did what they had to do. "I'm gonna miss my old job." "You can still do it, just in a manager position." "Yeah but there's more responsibility." "You're gonna do great Mya." Eric put his hand on my shoulder "I have to start getting ready to leave but call me if you need anything." "I will." Eric walked off and Johnny and Jaehyun were standing in front of me. "Yes?" "So this is your big thing?" Johnny slapped Jaehyun's chest "That was rude. We're proud of you Mya." "Thank you Johnny. Now I'll be able to move out in a couple months." "I'm not worried about that. I just want you to be happy." Me and Johnny smiled at each other.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes "I'm gonna go find some work to do." "Jaehyun you're on freezer duty today." He squinted at me and raised his eyebrow "What?" "Freezer. Duty. Now." "You know what Mya?" "What?" I smirked. All Jaehyun did was sigh "I'm on it. Anything is better than being around you." When he walked away my smirk dropped along with my heart. "I fucked up didn't I?" "N-no. You didn't." "Johnny. Stocking. Go now." He quickly walked off and I went in my office.

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