Out again.

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I opened the door as I took my key out. Joy was sitting on the couch with a guy that I've never seen before. "Hey." "Hey Mya. This is Doyoung, Jaehyun's friend." Oh great, another reminder of what happened today. "What happened to dinner with..." Joy trailed off as she turned her head to look at me "Hey hey. What's wrong?" I shook my head "I'll talk to you about it later. Right now, I need a shower and sleep." She got up and gave me a tight hug "Whatever it is, I'll fix it." I let out a sad giggle "Thank you." Joy let go of me. "Sorry for ruining your movie night. I'm pretty sure that you didn't expect me to be here." Doyoung smiled "It's okay. You didn't ruin it. We can still watch the movie while you're asleep."

I walked in the bathroom and took a quick shower then changed into my pajamas. I noticed that my laundry basket was full so I decided to quickly do a load of clothes but I saw them making out on the couch. I slowly backed away and went back into my room. I sighed heavily when I sat down on the bed. Seeing them like that reminds me of the time last week when the boys were supposed to be asleep and me and Jaehyun were kissing in his room then Hyuck came in the room and screamed seeing us like that. Oh god, why do I love those boys so much? I've only known them for a month. I turned my light off and decided to just get some sleep.
I heard the annoying ringing of my alarm clock. I rolled over and turned it off and saw what time it was. 10 AM. I sighed "I really don't wanna go to work. The tension is gonna be so serious, unless he has today off. I really hope he has today off." I rolled out of bed and took a shower. When I got out I put on my simple work clothes and got my phone and went to the kitchen to make me something to eat.

I heard footsteps behind me "Hey Mya." "Hey Joy." "So are you gonna tell me what happened? Doyoung is asleep." I sighed "His bitch ass babymama gave him my fucking mugshots at dinner last night. He just wanted us to find some common ground since we were dating that's the boys' mom but she pulled that last night so I told him why she couldn't take care of his kids. He told us that we both needed help and that he doesn't trust me around the boys alone anymore." Joy gave me the tightest hug "I'm so sorry that she ruined yet another relationship of yours." I shook my head "It's just so fucked up. Like I was willing to keep her secret a secret and she just puts everything out there about me. Now I'm really gonna play dirty." Joy pulled away and grabbed my shoulders "No, you're not gonna play dirty. That's what got you here in the first place, this being a criminal thing isn't the way to go. Yeah the charges were dropped but I'm pretty sure that you don't wanna work in a fucking Target for the rest of your life." "No, I don't." "Good. Today is the day that you're changing. Today you are Mya 2.0. Now go out there and make good decisions." I smiled "Yeah. I'm gonna go be the bigger person and make better decisions. See you later Joy." "See you when you get back." 

I let the apartment and drove to work. When I got in, I went to the employee room and clocked in. "Ah. Right on time." I took my jacket off and put it in my small locker and put my badge on and went to work. As I walked past all of my coworkers I said good morning in sing-song way, making them look at me with concern. I crept up behind Johnny "Good morninggg." He jumped and turned and looked down at me. "Jesus. Don't do that, you almost gave me a heart attack." I giggled "Sorry." "You look like shit, yet you're happy....Did you get fucked?" The old woman at the register looked at Johnny with wide eyes. I playfully hit him on the arm "Don't say things like that out loud and pay attention to your customers. I'm gonna go do my job now." I smiled and Johnny raised his eyebrow at me. "Good morning. I love that necklace." The lady smiled "Thank you." I skipped to the back to get some boxes. 

Once I was back there, I felt tears well up in my eyes. This hurts more than I thought it would. I feel so weak, but I'm determined to change. And to show Jaehyun that I changed. I want to prove to him that I'm not what those mugshots portray me to be. I quickly wiped my tears and picked up a few boxes of toys and put them on the trolley and rolled it out to the store. As I went to the toy section I heard familiar humming. "Good morningggg Jaehyun." I said as I walked past the aisle he was in. His humming stopped for a while. I went to the section where I was supposed to stock the toys in and started putting them where they belonged after scanning them. 

"Oh Myaaaa." "Yes Johnnyy." Johnny appeared next to me "You're really chipper today but you honestly look like crap. What happened? Did you guys actually have sex?" I shook my head "No, we've actually never had sex but I'm pretty sure we're broken up. He saw my mugshots, wasn't from me. You may not see it but I feel like complete shit on the inside and I've been breaking down since he broke up with me." Johnny squinted his eyes at me "This...this behavior is unusual." He looked around before coming down and whispering "What are you planning?" I shook my head "Nothing. I'm just gonna show him that I can change. I can be a better person and I'm not the girl in those pictures. Well physically I am but I'm changing so that's not me anymore. You get it right?" "Why do I always choose psychos as friends?" "Hey, I'm no psycho just a really hurt girl." He crossed his arms "So you can't see the boys anymore?" I stopped in my tracks when he said that. I didn't wanna think about that.

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