My Dream.

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"I'm sorry Johnny. I said she could just stay and eat dinner with us." Johnny looked at me then at Kassandra. "Okay." He stood up "I'm going to go change. I'll be back." He got up and went upstairs. "What was that about?" I shrugged "I honestly don't know." Kassandra's phone started ringing and she picked it up "Yes? I thought you-. Right now?" she stared at me the whole time "Is it okay if I send somebody over there? My car isn't working. Okay. Bye." She hung the phone up. "Um Jaehyun has to work late tonight and he doesn't have anybody to watch the boys. He wants me to get them from his house but I'm sending you to do it." I nearly choked hearing that "Me?" "Yeah you. I want to repair your relationship with Jaehyun. I don't necessarily care about it but I want to see my babies happy. So go get the boys and talk to Jaehyun." I jumped up and hugged her "Oh my god. Thank you so much!" "Okay you can let go." I quickly pulled away. "What the hell did I just witness?" We both turned to Johnny "You scared me." "You two scared me. Mya, you just got here do you have to leave already?" "Yeah I do. But I'll be back. I promise. Meanwhile, you two can have sex. Okay byeee." 

I quickly rushed to the door and put my shoes on. I opened the door and jogged to my car. I got in and put my seatbelt on and started the car. I put his address into my GPS and was on my way. I got to his house pretty quickly. I shut the car off and fixed my hair in the mirror. "Okay, I look good enough." I took my seatbelt off and walked up to the door. I softly knocked and rung the doorbell. The door flew open and it was Jaehyun. He shut the door in my face before I could say anything. I banged on the door "I'm here to get the boys!" He opened the door again "There's no fucking way." "Kassandra sent me to get them." "And how is that? You two hate each other." "I'm not explaining the whole thing. Long story short, I'm staying at Johnny's house, she pops up to get some things from there because she slept with him a few days ago, I ask her about her responsibility with the boys, she breaks down and explains that she's going through so much right now with little support, then she was on the phone with you and she sent me to come get them."

"Breaks down? As in cries?" "Obviously. She's sitting on Johnny's couch just pouring everything out from the time the boys were born to now. She's going through a lot and she needs therapy from a professional and support from you. She doesn't feel like she gets the support she deserves." Jaehyun rolled his eyes "She wants money." "No she wants someone to just be there for her while she goes through the tough times she goes through. What she needs is you. Is that too much to ask?" "Yes it is actually. She's the one that walked out on me, on us. Now she needs support?" "If you would sit down and talk to her, you would understand why. She just wants the boys to be happy. She feels like they would be better off without her. She doesn't want them around in case she gets into one of her moods and it goes too far!"

Jaehyun opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted. "Mya! Minhyung come here!" I looked past Jaehyun and I saw Donghyuck. It put such a huge smile on my face to see him. He ran to me and hugged my leg "I missed you so much." "I missed you too." I saw Minhyung a few seconds later and he came and did the same thing "Are you here to watch us?" I looked up at Jaehyun. "Yeah I am. I'm actually taking you with me." "Where are we going?" "To where I live at. Johnny lives there too and your mommy is there but she doesn't live there." They both let go "Come on Donghyuck, we have to pack a bag so we can stay the night." They both went to their rooms. "So now you just make calls on what goes on with my kids without even asking?" "You have work and nobody to watch them. I fucking miss them and I've been going through a tough time and I need a simple distraction from reality." He crossed his arms "So this is all a dream to you?" "You know what Jaehyun? My dream was to be with you and the boys. My dream was to marry you and be a family. My dream was to have a child with you and give the boys at least one sibling." The boys came to the front door with their bags "See you tomorrow daddy." They smiled at him and he gave them a kiss on the forehead. "Go wait in the car for me. It's unlocked." They ran down the few steps and got inside the car. 

"Was? So what about now?" "That's up to you right now. I do still want it, but my dreams keep getting crushed. We'll be at Johnny's house, you can get them tomorrow." I walked away before he could say anything and got in the car. "You two have your seatbelts on right." "Yes." "Good. Now let's go."
"Mya. I'm full." "Yeah me too." I looked over and the boys were holding their stomachs "Okay. Go wash your hands and face and get ready for bed. You remember what room it is right?" "Yes." "Okay go. I'll be there in a minute." They got out of the chairs and were on their way. "Okay so what went down at Jaehyun's house." "Oh god. It was like a nightmare. I'm explaining that he needs to give you support and he's like 'she walked out on us'. I'm defending and standing up for what's right you know? Then the boys came and it's like I missed them so much so I said fuck it I'm taking them. Jaehyun let them go, he didn't even try to stop me." "Just like that?" I nodded. "Well shit. He trusts you. I told you that things were gonna go back to normal." I shook my head "No Johnny, it's not normal. He doesn't like me right now." "Whatever you say. We'll get the dishes. You can go get the boys ready."

I went upstairs and they were already fast asleep in my bed. I couldn't help but to smile at them. I took a quick shower and put on some pajamas and laid in the bed next to them. Thank god I have a California King sized bed. I kissed both of them on the forehead and dosed off.

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