Moving Out.

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"You okay?" I nodded out of breath. "You?" He nodded and smiled. "So.." "What are we now?" "What do you mean? We just had sex. I don't know why but we did." "Oh thank god Mya. I thought you were gonna say we're dating. You already know that I can't be tied down." I rolled my eyes "We're getting older. If you really think about it, we're all about to be in our thirties. We have to change our mindset and do better." "I suppose, but that means you have to change too. You have to realize that you have to be the bigger person sometimes and stop fighting everybody." "Yeah I know. I'm actually ready to settle down and get married and possibly have kids." Johnny chuckled "I don't know about that one. Hey what's that?" He said pointing to the wall in front of us. "Oh. That's my degree." "Your degree? You mean diploma?" "No my mom has my diploma. This is my degree." "You have a degree!? When did you go to college? What college? Why didn't I know about this?" "I went to college a month after I graduated. I went to Georgetown. I don't tell many people about it because of the reaction I get."

"What's the degree for?" "Bachelors in Business Administration." "You can become a fucking CEO. Why are you working in Target?" "Well I went for an interview for the position of secretary and it flopped so bad. I was so nervous, I threw up in the parking lot." "That's no reason to not pursue your dreams. You could've been the top business woman in the world and you chose to be the top Target employee." "What about my record?" Johnny scoffed "Nobody cares about that if the charges were dropped. Go get an interview somewhere. You're wasting your talent and your degree. I never went to college. I just sat on my ass for 5 years then decided to get a job. You took that opportunity that most people didn't. Don't waste it." I stared at the degree "You know what, I'll get an interview somewhere. It shouldn't be that hard to get a job. Look at how easily Eric hired me." "So if you get the job then you'll quit where you're at now?" "Most likely." "That kinda hurts." "Well you made me realize that I have to take a hold of my own life and I have to be the one to control it. Thank you Johnny." "Anytime. It's getting late and we have work in the morning. I think we should sleep." "So sex and sleep." Johnny chuckled "I didn't plan for you to open the door naked. I planned for us to drink and talk."
I woke up to the sound of my alarm and Johnny wasn't next to me. I groaned and turned the alarm off. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Johnny: 'I left early this morning so I could shower and get to work. You might need today off for your pain but try and find a job. Also pack today. There will be movers at your apartment later to come get your stuff.' I smiled and closed the phone. I got up but my legs went weak and I fell to the ground "Damn Johnny. Why do you have to be so big down there?" I inhaled deeply and pushed myself off the ground and weakly stood up. My legs shook so bad as I walked to the bathroom. I ran some really hot water in the tub and sat in it. 

"This feels great. I'm so sore. How am I supposed to do anything today?" I relaxed for about twenty minutes and then washed my body and got out. I was still sore but not as sore as before. Good enough to do some things to get everything together. I put on a pair of shorts and a random t-shirt and started packing my clothes and everything else I had.
I plopped down on the frameless, sheet-less mattress. I chuckled "Reminds me of Jaehyun's bed when I first met him. He rarely used sheets." I shook the thoughts out of my head. I haven't talked to Joy all day. She already had packed most of her stuff and was already moving some of it out so she was busy all day. I'm still waiting for the movers to come and get my stuff and take it to Johnny's place. It wasn't really hard to pack my clothes, sheets, blankets, etc. The movers are gonna do all the heavy lifting and hopefully they're done by 4 o'clock, that's when my shift starts.

 I heard my phone vibrate from the other side of the room. I quickly went over and picked it up off the floor. It was Johnny calling. "Hello." "Hey Mya. The movers are at your building and they're gonna just get your boxes and stuff. What heavy things do you have?" "My bed frame. My desk. My dressers. My living chairs and my night table." "Okay. They can handle all of that and don't worry. I already told Eric about you moving so you don't have to worry about your shift. I'm covering it and you still get paid." "Thank you Johnny you're the best." "No problem. My break is almost over so I'll call you later." "Okay bye." "Bye." I hung the phone up and I heard a knock on the door. I went to the door and opened it. "Hi we're the movers hired by Mr. Suh." "Yes right this way." I moved to the side and let them in "You guys are just moving one bedroom that's all." They nodded and I led them to the room. They started picking up boxes and taking them outside.

My room was ready to go in no time. Damn they move fast. I grabbed my phone and car keys "Um can you guys give me a minute please?" "Of course. We'll wait for you. Take your time." I nodded and they left the apartment. "What the hell?! Mya! Mya!" I heard Joy screaming down the hall. She came in the apartment "What's going on?" "What does it look like? I'm moving." "Just that quick? You're not even gonna give me time to get the money?" "Give you time?!" I sighed "Joy. It's too late. Five days is what they gave us. And you already started moving your stuff so why couldn't I move mine?" "I just want to apologize for everything. It was wrong for me to hide it from you. I just wanted to do this one thing on my own without any help." I shook my head "I understand what that's like but when it comes down to something like this, you have to tell me." "We made alot of great memories in this apartment." I chuckled softly "Yeah we did." "I um.. I'm moving to California to go to UCLA."

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