Moving in.

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"Oh my god. You're really going to college." I gave Joy a huge hug "I'm so so so so proud of you." "Thank you. But that means that we won't be together anymore." I pulled away and my smile went away. "Yeah. So I guess this chapter of our life is done with." "Yeah, it's time for us to start another chapter of our lives, a better chapter." "Wow. I can't believe you're really moving across the country. I'm gonna miss you so much." "I'm gonna miss you too Mya. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier." "It's okay. College is alot of stress so I'll give you a pass for that." I looked at the time and it was almost 4 "I wish I could stay but I have to go. All of my stuff is getting moved to Johnny's house." "I heard you two last night." "Oh god." She laughed "Are you okay down there?" I held my head in embarrassment. She chuckled "I'm not gonna hold you up anymore. We'll text and Facetime almost every night okay?" I nodded and felt tears fill my eyes.

Joy pulled me into a hug and I quickly hugged back "I'm gonna miss you." "I'm gonna miss you too." After a few seconds we both pulled away. "Bye Joy." "Bye Mya." I got the rest of my stuff and left the apartment. When I went out the movers were standing outside their truck talking. "Sorry for holding you guys up." "It's no problem. So you're following us to the house right?" "Yes." I got in my car and started it. I saw the trucks and I followed them.
We were finally at Johnny's house, well his parents house. He doesn't think I know that his parents bought this house for him and he just has to pay the bills while they pay the mortgage, but I let him live his fantasy. I parked my car in front of the house and went up to the door and knocked. I was greeted by Johnny's mom. "Hiii Mya." She pulled me in for a hug "You look so beautiful. Come in." She moved to the side and I went in the house. I took my shoes off and left them at the door. The movers started bringing the boxes inside. "I'll be right back." I looked around the house. It's alot cleaner than normal. When she came back we sat on the couch "You cleaned up didn't you." She chuckled "Of course. You know Johnny is always busy so I do try to help him when I can." "He does work seven days a week. I will never understand why he works so much." "He's lonely. He has this big house all to himself. I wanted him to go to college and do something with himself but he decided to work in Target. I wanted him to get married and have kids so I can have little grandchildren." "He'll have kids someday. I'm not sure about getting married but he will have kids." She gasped "Mya can you try to talk him into getting married and having kids?" "With me?" "Do you wanna do that with him?" I shook my head quickly "No offense but no. Me and Johnny are just friends. We work better as friends." "I don't take any offense to that. But can you please talk to him before it's too late." "Of course." "Thank you." She gave me a big hug "Well I'll let you start unpacking and getting yourself settled in. Johnny will be home around 6." She stood up and I walked her to the door. We waved bye to each other before I closed the door and went to my room. The movers had already put the bed together and put my dressers in the room. I didn't even notice that they had left. I had put on some music and started unpacking my boxes.
It was 5:30 and I was just about finished unpacking. My stomach grumbled loudly. "Shit. I haven't eaten all day." I went in the kitchen and looked in the fridge "Damn. Barely anything. I'll order something." I got my phone and looked for something to eat. There's a wing spot not far from here. I decided to get a big tray of wings for me and Johnny to share along with some fries. I placed a delivery order for 50 wings half spicy half honey barbeque along with three side orders of fries. There's plenty of soda in the fridge so I didn't need to get anything to drink. 

After I placed the order I saw that Johnny was calling my phone. "Hey." "Hey Mya. I'm running a little late coming home but I'll be there in about 10 minutes. Do you want me to pick something up for dinner? I know there's no food in the fridge." "I actually ordered us dinner. Wings." He chuckled "That's what I was gonna get. Okay. Then I'm coming straight home." "Okay. See you when you get here." "See you." I hung the phone up and sat at the island wondering what can I do until he gets home. Something popped in my mind. I've never seen Johnny's room. I shook my head as I walked to the stairs. I can't believe as many times as I've been here, I've never seen it. There are three rooms upstairs and two downstairs, one is an office and one is a guest room. I opened the first door I saw when I went upstairs. There is was, Johnny's room. That's the only room that's not clean but well decorated. I looked around the room. It was huge, half the size of the apartment that me and Joy lived in. I want to go in completely and look around but I respect some of his privacy and close the door. The room looked alot better than what I expected it to. The bed was huge and it looked like it could fit four people.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the doorbell ringing. "Damn. The food got here fast." I jogged downstairs and opened the door. "How much will-" You've got to be kidding me right?

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