Big Dinner.

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"Wait what happened?" "Kassandra took them to somebody's house, that I had no idea of, and they were fed poorly cooked food. On top of that, they didn't pay attention and Donghyuck fell off the deck of the house. No one knows how. His arm is broken and he needs a cast." I heard him sigh on the other side of the phone "How am I gonna pay for this?" "Jesus. I don't wanna be mean but she's a terrible mom." "I know. That's why I want full custody of them. But of course she wants some type of custody of them, and I don't want her to. Um, I'll call you back. The doctor is back." "Okay. I'll talk to you later. And take your time with them, don't worry about me."
I knocked on the door waiting for an answer. I was greeted by Jaehyun. He looked like he was really going through something, yet he still kept a smile on his face. "Hey Mya." "Hey Jaehyun." I stepped in the house and took my shoes off at the door. The food smelt so nice. Minhyung came running to me "Mya! You're here. It's been forever since I last saw you." I chuckled "You saw me two weeks ago." "I know but that's still a long time." "Where's Hyuckie?" "In his room." Minhyung went to Donghyuck's room and me and Jaehyun followed. "Hii Hyuckie." He looked up at me and smiled "Hii Mya." "I know it's been a few weeks since you've been out of the hospital but how are you feeling?" "I'm good. Better than before." I smiled "That's good." "Okay now let's come on and get ready for dinner. We're having someone else over for dinner." As the boys left I turned and raised my eyebrow at him "Someone else?" "Yeah. I want you and Kassandra to find some common ground. I know you two don't really like each other and you don't wanna be around each other. But you're officially my girlfriend now and she's still the mother of my children so she's gonna be around, it may be only when she wants, but she's still around."

I nodded. I didn't want to have to even look at her knowing how terrible of a mother she is to these boys. Especially since that food poisoning incident and she tried to play like she didn't do it. "Okay. I'll tolerate her tonight." The doorbell rang "She must be here. I'll set the table, you make sure the boys are okay." I nodded as we went to do our separate tasks. I knocked on the bathroom door before entering. "Hi guys. It's time to eat and your mommy is here." Minhyung sighed "Okay. Come on Hyuck." We all left the bathroom and when we got to the dinner table she was sitting at the counter talking to Jaehyun. She had on a fucking trench coat and heels. It's 90 degrees out. What did she think this was? A porn scene?

Jaehyun noticed us walking to the table and he smiled "There you guys are." Kassandra turned to look at us. "Oh. Why are you here?" "Kassandra. Be nice for dinner." She scoffed and sat at the table. Minhyung sat next to me, Jaehyun sat on the end, Donghyuck sat on the other end, and Kassandra sat across from me. She just stared at me the whole time as Jaehyun put food on the plates and as we ate.
"Dinner was great daddy!" "Yeah. I loved it so much!" Jaehyun chuckled "I'm glad you two liked it. Go ahead and wash your hands and get ready for bed." The boys got up from the table, leaving the three of us. Jaehyun put his napkin down "You both know why I have you two here. I want you two to find a common ground. I'm not saying to be friends but don't be enemies." She folded her arms "We're not enemies. I just don't like her." "Why don't you like her?" "Yeah, why don't you like me Kassandra?" She sighed "I didn't wanna have to do this." She grabbed her purse and pulled out an envelope. I know those envelopes, she has something either good or stupid in there. She slid it over to Jaehyun "I'll let you do the honors of opening this." He slowly opened the envelope and pulled out some photos.

Oh shit. Those were my mugshots. "Mya. What's this?" "I'll answer that for you. Those are her mugshots. She went to jail for assault three times and her most recent case was with me." I slammed my hands on the table "Tell him why." "I don't know what your talking about." "She's a hoe. The only reason why she can't take care of her kids is because she's too busy on her knees." "What?" "She's been messing around with different men and the most recent one is my ex boyfriend. I caught her on her knees. He kicked me out and I was upset." "Okay I can understand that one because I've been in that situation before but that doesn't explain the other two charges." "Those were dropped because it was self-defense." "So this one wasn't?" "Yes, it actually was dropped a few days ago and she knows that. We went to court, I bet she didn't tell you that." He threw the papers on the table. 

"You both need some serious help. Kassandra, I don't want you taking the boys with you anymore. And for you Mya, you need to give me space until I'm ready to talk to you again. Because these photos hurt me. I thought you were perfect, you didn't leave me when I showed you my kids. You stuck with me for this past month. The boys love you. But sometimes you gotta take away something that someone loves to help them." I felt tears threaten to leave my eyes "Jaehyun." "No, Mya. Please. I don't know if I can trust you around them and that they'll be safe." "You can't take my kids away from me! Fuck her! She's just temporary, I'm their mother for the rest of their lives!" Donghyuck and Minhyung came from the back "W-what's going on?" "Your mom and Mya have to leave." "You're really gonna do this huh?" He was silent as he went to open the door for us to leave. "Okay. I'm leaving. Bye Minhyung and Hyuck. I have to leave because I made a terrible mistake with your daddy but I promise I'll be back okay?" Donghyuck came up to me with puppy eyes "When?" "I don't know yet. When your daddy thinks it's okay for me to come back." "Your daddy is making me leave too." They looked at Kassandra "Oh. Bye mommy." She scoffed and left the house, pushing me in the process. I restrained so hard from punching her in the damn face. Both of the boys hugged me tight. "We're gonna miss you." Tears started streaming down my face "I'm gonna miss you too." I looked and Jaehyun was crying too "Goodbye Mya. I need to put them to bed." I nodded sadly "Okay. Bye." 

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