First Date.

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"H-hi. I'm Mya." Shit, why did I stutter? "I'm Jaehyun and these are for you." He gave me flowers and Joy took them from me. "I'm gonna put these in some water now go you two and have fun." Joy gently pushed me out the door and closed it behind me. "Shall we go?" I nodded. We walked to Jaehyun's car. "Mya you're really pretty." I smiled and put my head down "Thank you. You are too." Shit "Wait no I mean you're cute, well more than cute but I didn't mean to say pretty." He chuckled "It's okay. I know what you meant and thank you." His voice sounds familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it. He put the car in drive and drove off to the carnival. "Have we met before?" "I don't think so. Why?" "Your voice sounds really familiar." "No. I'm pretty sure we've never met." "I'm just glad that you weren't ugly." He chuckled "Where would you get that idea from?" "Joy went to high school with pretty ugly guys." He let out the loudest laugh "That is so true. Also I'm sorry for being late I had to take care of some things." "It's fine. I wasn't expecting an exact time anyway." 

After an hour of getting to know each other better, we were finally at the carnival. The last time I went to one, I was six. This one was bigger than the last one I went to. We had gotten out the car and went to the booth to buy wristbands. "Two please." "20 dollars." I took two tens out of my pocket and handed it to the lady and she gave us our wristbands. The whole time we walked to the entrance Jaehyun stared at me. "What?" "I didn't expect you to pay." "Well I don't feel like guys should pay for everything, especially if a girl has the money to." "Thank you for paying." I smiled "You're welcome. Now come on." I pulled him into the entrance of the carnival.
I hugged my huge panda after I put my seatbelt on. We had a great time with each other tonight and I'm a little upset that it ended so soon. Jaehyun was dropping me off home and I wanted to try to get him to spend the night tonight. "I enjoyed my date with you Jaehyun." "I enjoyed it too." "I actually wanna go on more dates. If that's fine with you." "Of course but before we go on more I have to tell you-." He was interrupted by his phone ringing. He pulled over "Shit. I have to take this give me a minute." "Okay." He pressed the green button and held it up to his ear "Hello? I'm out. Okay I know but can you give me a minimum of an hour and a half. Okay but-. Can you just-? Please?" He sighed "Okay fine. I'm on my way." He hung the phone up "Mya. I'm sorry but I have to take care of something important. Do you mind if we take a little detour?" "That's fine." He smiled and made a U-turn "Thank you. I'll make it up to you." "Your dick better be good." I turned to the window and mumbled really quietly. "Hmm?" "Oh, I said. You don't have to. It's all good."

The ride was a little longer than expected since we went into the city. I never knew it was this beautiful at night. Wait, what if he's super rich and he owns one of these big ass companies? Oh my god. I went on a date with a rich CEO. What if he had to take care of something at the business? I was pulled out of my thoughts when we the car came to a stop "We're here." I looked through the windshield and it was a small house, it looked really cozy, but definitely bigger than mine and Joy's apartment. "You can come inside. I don't want you sitting out here alone for god knows how long." I took my seatbelt off and followed Jaehyun to the door. He put the key in and opened the door and quickly closed it once we were both inside. "You can take your shoes off and leave them here."

A lady came from the back of the house while I took my shoes off "Oh thank god Jaehyun! You're here! Finally." She looked at me and smiled "You must be Mya. I'm Mrs. Kim." She held her hand out and I shook it. "Hi." A little boy came running from the back "Daddy!" My eyes widened. Man I thought I was gonna be the one to call him that tonight. The little boy latched onto Jaehyun's leg "You're home. I thought you were never gonna be back." Jaehyun chuckled "Is that why you wouldn't go to sleep?" I cleared my throat in shock. "O-oh. Mya. This is what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm so sorry if you don't want to go on any more dates with me." Before I could answer another boy came from the back, rubbing his eye. He stood and stared at me with his head tilted to the side. "Hi." I smiled "Hi." "I like your hair. It's pretty." I chuckled "Thank you." "That's Minhyung and this is Donghyuck." He said pointing to each child. "Hey! No fair, you got to talk to daddy's girlfriend first." Donghyuck unlatched from Jaehyun's leg and stood next to Minhyung "Hiii. I'm Donghyuck and I'm three years old!" He said holding up three fingers. "I'm Mya and I'm 24 years old." "I'm three too!" Me and Jaehyun laughed at the same time. They were both so adorable. "They're twins." "Awee." "Are you my daddy's girlfriend?" I stood there in shock at Minhyung's question. "W-well. Um-." "Minhyung. Go to bed." "Is Mya going to stay here with us? Are you gonna be our mommy?" "Bed. Now. Don't make me count to three." Minhyung crossed his arms and stomped to the back of the house "Not fair! I want her to stay here." Next thing I know, the door slammed shut. "You too Donghyuck." "Fine." He dragged to the back of the house and I heard another door close. "I'll be on my way. Jaehyun, it's fine if you can't pay me for tonight." "No don't be silly." He pulled out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to her. 

"Jaehyun. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cause them to get in trouble." "Don't even worry about it. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner and for not telling Joy to tell you." "It's okay." "Can you help me put them to bed? Please?" I nodded and went into one of the rooms. I saw Minhyung laying in the bed "Hiii." He jumped up when he saw me. "Mya! Are you staying? Please please please." He started pouting and it almost broke my heart seeing that he wanted me to stay so bad. "What if I come back tomorrow?" "Do you promise?" He said as he held out his pinky. I locked mine with it "Yes I promise." Minhyung gave me the biggest smile and hug. "Then I'll go to sleep right now." He pulled the covers over him "Can you turn the lamp off please?" "Of course." I turned his lamp off and left the room.

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