First Night.

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I was met by Jaehyun in the hall. "Okay. I'll catch an Uber back home so you can stay with the boys." "Um. Well, I kinda told Donghyuck that you would sleep over tonight so he could go to sleep." "Oh. I told Minhyung that I would be back tomorrow." We both chuckled softly. "I'll sleep on your couch and you can have your bed." "Really? No you're not." He grabbed my hand and led me to a decently sized room. "You're gonna sleep in here with me. I mean we were probably gonna end up sleeping together tonight anyways." He said with a smirk. I felt a smile creep up on my face. "I don't have sex on the first date." "Mmm. Then we should have a few more and see how long you can go without pouncing on me and humping me like a dog." I scoffed "I would never." He went to the closet "We'll see." He came back to the bed with a black t-shirt and handed it to me. "My bathroom is right there so you can change into that." "Thank you."

I went in the bathroom and slipped off my shirt and pants and put his shirt on. I neatly folded my clothes and went back to the bedroom. Jaehyun was laying on the bed under the covers. "Where should I put my clothes?" "That chair right there is fine." I sat my clothes on the chair next to the bed. and slightly got on the other side of the bed, pretty far away. "You can move closer you know." "I respect personal space." "Maybe I don't want space. Maybe I want you next to me." I moved closer to Jaehyun and he pulled me up to him "You smell nice." My eyes widened "Th-thank you." "I'm not trying to be weird. I just like the way you smell that's all. And I'm sorry that Minhyung asked if you were gonna be his mom." "It's okay. I was just a little shocked, that's all." "I just felt bad because I've tried everything to make their mom be around more often than what she is. But you can't make someone do something they don't want to." "I'm sorry that she's not in their lives like that." "Yeah. Let's not talk about that. Let's just sleep."
"Wake up! Wake up!" My eyes shot open and I turned to see the boys jumping up and down on the bed. They stopped once they saw me wake up "Goodmorning Mya!" "Goodmorning Donghyuck. Goodmorning Minghyung." I didn't see Jaehyun in the bed "Where's your dad?" "He's cooking. He told us to come wake you up." "No he told ME to come wake you up but Minghyung followed me in here." I got out the bed and used the bathroom. When I was finished washing my hands the boys were on the bed talking. I was about to leave until I heard them talking "So do you think daddy will keep her around?" "I don't know Hyuck but I hope so. I really like her and she's different then all the girls daddy brought home before. They would always leave when they saw us." Damn these two kids are smarter than they perceive to be. I turned the doorknob and opened the door. They turned to me and stopped their conversation. "Hiii Mya." I smiled and said hi back. "Come on and let's eat breakfast before it gets cold and your dad will have made it for nothing." 

The boys hopped off the bed and followed me into the kitchen. "Daddy! I got her up just like you said." Minhyung pushed Donghyuck with his shoulder slightly "No you didn't I did." Jaehyun laughed "You two need to stop fighting. Let's just say that you both got her up okay?" The boys nodded "Good, now sit at the counter and eat." They rushed and sat in front of their food. "Goodmorning Mya." I smiled "Goodmorning Jaehyun." "Your food is right here on the end." I sat at the end of the counter "Thank you so much. This all looks so good." "I didn't know what you liked and you looked so peaceful sleeping so I didn't wanna wake up and ask you. So I just made what I could." "Thank you for making breakfast in the first place. I really appreciate it." "Daddy are you going to keep Mya around?" Jaehyun choked on his orange juice "Well that's only if she wants to be around." Donghyuck and Minhyung looked at me with pleading eyes. "I do want to be around but let's just give it time okay? I just met you guys yesterday." Donghyuck crossed his arms "Hmph. I want you to stay around forever. You're better than my real mommy." I was lost for words once he said that. I don't even know the kids' mom and suddenly, I'm better than her.
"Okay you two go get dressed so I can take Mya home and we'll clean up this mess." I grabbed the plates and put them in the sink as the boys went to their rooms. "About what Donghyuck said. Me being better than their mom. I don't wanna poke the bear but-." "She's a trainwreck and they barely see her. But when they do see her, it's always on her terms. I'm in the middle of a custody battle where I get the boys primarily and she can see them on the weekends. But of course that's money that I don't even have." I stayed silent for a little while before I let out a small 'Oh'. "I'm sorry. I know we just met and everything but I don't really have anyone to talk about these things and the boys won't understand custody battles and blah blah." "It's okay. I completely understand."

The doorbell then rung. "That's weird. No one should be here at this time of the day. Stay here, I'll see who it is." Jaehyun gave me the last dish to rinse and he went to the door. I put it on the drain board. I heard a woman's voice, it's probably their mom. "Mya! Come here please." I went to the front door and there stood that girl I caught Taeyong with. Oh my god. How did she find me? She just wants to make my life a living hell doesn't she.

Blind DateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora