Not Forgiven.

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I felt a little more cramped than last night. "Minhyung move over." I moved him over a little but it still didn't work. I softly groaned and opened my eyes. It wasn't Minhyung, it was Jaehyun. I quickly sat up and shook Jaehyun until he woke up. "What?" "Get out." He turned over "Why? You don't want me here?" "Not right now I don't." I stood up "Where are the boys?" "They went to their moms house when I got here. Why can't we just forget about last night and everything else in the past?" "That's your problem Jaehyun. You think that just because we're in a rocky relationship, we can kiss and make up. News flash, it don't work like that." Jaehyun rolled his eyes "I wanted to try and talk it out with you but you don't want to. The only person you wanna kiss is Johnny." "What?" "You heard me. I know you two had sex at your old apartment." "Why do you even care? You didn't want me in your life at the time." "Do you really think that I was having the time of my life without you in it?" "Don't know and I quite frankly do not care. Now leave my room." 

I opened the door and pointed to it. Jaehyun got up and started walking out. As he walked by, he scoffed and said "I didn't wanna be in here anyways." "Mhm great." I slammed it after he walked out. I made my bed up and showered. Once I got out, I put on my work uniform. I grabbed my stuff and left the room and went downstairs. As I was going down the steps I smelt bacon and something else. "Smells good down here!" I went in the kitchen and saw Jaehyun sitting at the table talking to Johnny. I sighed "Why are you still here?" "This is my friends house. Not yours." "Whatever. Johnny, I have an early shift today and I have to work overtime today to make up for yesterdays shift." "No new job search?" Jaehyun looked at me with curiosity "Leaving because of me?" "Not everything is about you. And no Johnny, not today. I'll probably start this weekend." "Okay just let me know because I have a friend that works for some huge company and he owes me a favor." I shook my head "I don't need your help. I can do it on my own." Johnny threw his hands up "Just saying." "I know. Well, I have to get going and I'll see you later Johnny." I looked Jaehyun up and down and left the house.
Work was long and hard today, since we were short staffed, but I was finally home. I took my shoes off at the door and walked up to my room. I had the house to myself for a little while since Johnny was at a party. I stripped and went in the bathroom. I screamed in frustration and surprise when I saw Jaehyun standing in the bathroom naked. "Calm down. We've seen each other naked before. But never had sex." Jaehyun stood directly in front of me "How does that work Mya? Hmm?" I rolled my eyes "You wanted to wait." I felt his dick touching me but I didn't say anything. I tried not to look either but it was big. 

We stared at each other for a while. Then for some reason we just started making out. Jaehyun lifted me up and sat me on the sink. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer. He rubbed his dick up and down my folds before pushing it in. I moaned out. "That was so hot." Jaehyun started pounding inside me and the bathroom was full of moans and skin slapping. I purposely clenched around him to see what kind of reaction I would get and it was a good one. He let out a loud moan "D-do it again baby." I did it again. "Fuck. You're gonna make me cum." I felt a knot in my stomach "I'm cumming." "Hold it. I'm close babygirl." I tried to hold it but I couldn't. I released around his dick and I felt him cum deep inside me.

We stayed there and caught our breath. Once I caught my breath I pushed him away and got down. "Get out." "Really?" "Yes." "But we just-" "Had sex? Wow amazing. Was that supposed to make me forgive you?" "You think I forgive you?" "For what Jaehyun?" "Having a criminal record and not telling me." "Oh please. Get the fuck out of my face." "I'm so tired of this bullshit. I hope you get pregnant! So then you have no choice but to talk to me!" He left and slammed the door. "Asshole."

I got in the shower and when I got out, I wrapped a towel around me. The shower was so nice. I put pajamas on and got in the bed. I got my phone and started applying for new jobs in the business career. My phone then rang and it was my boss. "That's weird." I answered it "Hello?" "Mya. I have to talk to you." "What's going on?" "The needs new management." "W-why?" He sighed "I'm retiring." "You're 45." "I'm retiring early okay? I want you to be manager." "You're serious." "Dead serious Mya." "Oh my god! Thank you so much!" "There's not much training to give you but tomorrow morning I have to run some things by you just to make sure you understand." "Okay what time?" "7:30." "Okay. I'll be there! Thank you so much!" 

I hung the phone up and looked up and saw Jaehyun leaning in the doorway. I jumped because I was surprised. "What was that about?" "You'll find out real soon. Now leave my room. Don't you have to take care of the boys?" "They're with their mom. Now what was that about?" "Don't fucking worry about it." He rolled his eyes "You're gonna make me hate you." "Don't care. Don't forget that you just wished pregnancy on me." "Okay and? We talked about having kids of our own before." "Now I'm not so sure about that anymore. Now shoo fly, out." I threw a pillow at him and turned over to go to sleep. "And don't try and watch me sleep."

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