Made Up.

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I laid in bed with the covers over me. Today was pretty hard but I didn't show it. "You okay?" I looked up and it was Johnny. "Not really. Do you think Jaehyun meant what he said?" "Nope." "Of course you would say that." "I thought you were over him considering how you were cheesing at that customer earlier." "I wasn't. I was singing the song that was playing through the store and he came up to me with a card saying he recruits new talent. He was just bullshitting me." "Have you called him?" "Nope." "You don't know if he's bullshitting you or not until you call. I think you should." I shook my head as Johnny walked away. I thought about it for a second. Johnny is right: I don't know until I call. But not today. I turned over and closed my eyes.

It's been so long since I started my new job position and I haven't talked to Jaehyun, 5 weeks to be exact which makes it over a month since we stopped talking. It's been hard but I've been managing. "Hey Mya. I put gas in your car." I looked at Johnny "Really? Why?" "Because I used it. Sorry mine was blocked in and you were sleeping all day when you left work." "I'm sorry. I've been so tired lately and sleeping isn't helping with my weight gain either." "A couple pounds is normal. Mine goes up and down too." "Mine has just been going up." I sighed and then yawned "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." "Again?" "Yes again. Goodnight Johnny." "It's 2 in the afternoon." "I know." I got up and went upstairs and went to sleep.
"Mya!" My eyes shot open at the familiar voice. It was Kassandra and she was standing with Donghyuck. I sat up and rubbed my eyes "What's up?" "I know you're sleeping and I should've called but I was in the neighborhood and Jaehyun is busy and I just need you to take the boys. Minhyung is sleeping right now in the room next door." "Oh okay. What's going on?" "I um I have somewhere I need to be and they can't be with me." She's lying. "That's fine. They can hang out with me until whenever." "Thank you so much. Okay boys I'll see you later." "Okay. See you." Donghyuck smiled and waved bye and she left. 

He came in my room and sat on the bed "Were you sleeping?" I nodded "Yeah." I smiled and looked at Donghyuck "But I'm awake now. You hungry?" He shook his head "No thank you." I forgot how sweet they were. "You tired?" He nodded quickly. "Take your jacket off and lay here with me." Donghyuck took his jacket off and got under the covers. He laid close to me and drifted off to sleep quickly and so did I.
My eyes fluttered open and I felt a leg on top of me, a big one. "Jung fucking Jaehyun." I turned and saw him laying next to me with his eyes open smiling. "Yes?" Donghyuck and Minhyung were in between us. "Move your leg." "Wait Mya. I'm sorry for acting childish especially with a few weeks ago I shouldn't have done it. I miss you so much and it's hard without you." "I'm sorry too for not telling you about the charges. I didn't think they mattered that much but it does." "Let's just agree to tell the truth with each other from now on no matter what." "I can live with that."

"Johnny told me about your run in with that talent guy." I rolled my eyes "Donghoon." "Did you call him?" "Why would I?" "Just do it. Go in the other room though, so you don't wake the boys." I sighed "Fine. But if it doesn't work out, you owe me." "I think I can do that, if you know what I mean." "Creep." I got my phone and the business card from my side table. I got out of the bed and put my slides on. "You have a nice ass." I turned to Jaehyun "What?" "You do, well you always have but something about it right now just makes me wanna fuck you on the floor right now." "Shh! The boys are right there." "They can't hear me. But I'm serious Mya, your ass is like really nice and round." "I'm leaving because you're weird." "Byee good luck."

I went into the other room and dialed the number that was on the card. After a few rings I heard someone on the other line "Hello." "Is this Donghoon?" "Who's asking?" "Well we met in Target a few weeks ago and you gave me your card. I'm Mya, the manager at the Target." "Ahh yes. I remember you. I started to think you weren't going to call." "Sorry I've been busy lately." "Well I'm an agent and a manager for singers. And you Mya, are a singer." "Not professionally." "Not professionally yet. As soon as you get signed you'll be one." "That's not guaranteed." "Don't worry. I have a video of you singing in the store and I've already given it to my boss and he wants you right away."

"Oh my god! Wait, a video?" "That's not important. We need to schedule an appointment for you to meet with us. How does this evening sound? We can go out for dinner and just talk." "Sounds perfect." "Good, I'll send you an address around 5 be there at 8." "Okay sounds great see you then." "See you." I hung the phone up and danced around the room. "So?" I jumped and saw Jaehyun. "I have a dinner meeting with him and his boss." "Okay but I'm coming." "Why?" "What if you get kidnapped. You need a strong man such as myself." He said while punching the air. I laughed "Please stop. Come here." He walked over to me and I pulled him into a kiss.

"I don't know if it's because you grew your hair out but your so hot and your making me horny." "Who's the weird one now?" "Jaehyun shut the fuck up and fuck me on this floor right now." "As you wish."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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