Almost Time.

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I spit my water out everywhere and started choking. Joy patted my back a few times. "A what?" "A blind date. Don't worry, it's just a friend I went to high school with. I saw that on Instagram he was looking for a girlfriend." "So why don't you be his girlfriend?" I started pouting. "Because I kinda sorta like his friend. But I won't tell you who it is until you go on a date with him." I pulled out my phone to find his Instagram "What's his name?" "No. You're not gonna look him up. You're gonna remain anonymous to each other until Saturday." "But that's tomorrow." "Exactly." I threw my head back and slid down on the couch "Why do you do this?" "Because I love you." "I'm gonna go shower because I'm tired." I got off the couch. "You're not gonna eat?" I shook my head "Johnny bought me a burger before I got here." "Okay. Goodnight Mya." Joy said in a sing-song voice. "Goodnight Joy." I repeated back in the same tone. I got in the shower and then went to sleep.

"Myaaa! Wake up!" I jumped up and looked at my phone for the time "Oh shit. I overslept." I rushed to the bathroom and showered and put my work clothes on. When I was done, Joy was in the kitchen and she just finished breakfast "Hey Joy. Can you wrap it up for me so I can eat it later?" "I'll take you to work. I already called your boss and told him that you had a long day yesterday so you slept in a little longer today." Joy grabbed a paper plate and put some pancakes and bacon on it. "You're the best. I promise, I'll make it up to you because I know you were already supposed to be at work." "It's no big deal. I swear. Now let's go." I grabbed my jacket and keys and we left the house.

Once we were in the car I started eating my food. "Oh god. I missed your cooking so much. This is so good." Joy smiled "Thank you. I missed you eating up my food." I let out a little chuckle as I finished the last little bit of the food. "Damn Mya. Hungry much?" "No. I just really missed eating your food. Taeyong couldn't cook at all and I couldn't cook every single day because of work." "Well now you have me so we can split the cooking like we always used to." "Yeah." I smiled and put my head down thinking about how these past three years have gone down the drain in one day. "Listen Mya. I know you probably don't wanna hear this but it was for the best that you two broke up. Maybe he wasn't the one for you, he did hold you back from the dreams you had if we're being honest." "Yeah, I guess he did. Um about that date later. What time is it?" "8 o'clock. You two are going to the carnival that's about an hour from the apartment. If you two don't get along and like the date then I promise I won't set you up on any other dates." "I'll probably like it. How bad can a carnival be?" "Who knows, you two might fall in love. We're here." "Thank you so much Joy again." "No problem." I took my seatbelt off and got out of the car "And remember. You're number one goal is to not get fired. So don't hurt Johnny today." I let out a chuckle "I can't make any promises." I shut the door and went inside the store.
I texted Joy to come and pick me up. As I put my phone away, I saw Johnny walking past me. I called to him as he walked past the aisle I was stocking the shelves in. He turned back and came in the aisle "What's up?" "Can you please cover my shift for the rest of the day? I have a date in two hours." "Hmm. Who are you going on a date with?" "I don't even know. Joy set me up on a blind date with some guy she went to high school with." "Then I will pray for you. He might be ugly." My jaw dropped "Please don't curse me." "I will cover your shift this one time only because I don't want you to get fired for so many arrests. Oh damn but you'll miss the new guy." I raised my eyebrow "Guy?" "Yeah Eric said that it's a guy not a girl but I'll probably end up messing around and becoming his best friend." I laughed "Yeah right. No one sane will be your friend." "You're my friend." "Exactly, no one sane." I walked off to the employee room and got my stuff. I looked at the time and it was almost 7 o'clock "Shit." I quickly clocked out and rushed out of the door. On the way, I bumped into someone "Sorry. Excuse me." "Sorry." He might be the new guy. Damn it, I didn't get to look at his face. I don't have time to worry about that right now. Just in time Joy pulled up to the store "Come get in before you're late." I quickly got in the car "Thank you so much. I promise when I get my check I'll work on getting my car back."
"Oh god. Why am I nervous? You know what. I'll just tell Joy that I don't feel well so I can't go." I stood up and walked to my bedroom door and opened it. Joy was standing in front of me "You look great. Come on, he's here." She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room "W-wait Joy. Do you really think this is a good idea?" "Of course it is. Now come on. Also good job with the 'I'm trying but not trying look'." She said while giving me a thumbs up. "But I'm not trying. It's a simple date so I went with a simple outfit." "Riiight." She winked and opened the front door. There stood a cute, no scratch that, gorgeous man in front of me.

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