Baby Mama.

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"This is Kassandra. Donghyuck and Minhyung's mom. Kassandra this is Mya, a good friend of mine." A smile came across Jaehyun's face when he said that. You gotta be fucking kidding me. So no matter what, she'll be in my fucking life. I didn't even notice that she had her hand stuck out and was smiling. I slightly took and but I didn't smile back. "Nice to meet you Mya." "You too." So maybe she didn't remember me. Jaehyun slid over so she could get in and he closed the door after she came in. "The boys are getting ready so they should out in a minute. I'll go check on them. Also Kassandra be nice to Mya." Jaehyun went to the boys and we sat down on the couch. "So-" "I know you remember me Mya. I know you remember how Taeyong kicked you to the side for me." "Bitch. I'm very respectful of this man so I will keep my mouth shut but trust me when I see you in the street it's just me and you." "Oh please save me the bullshit." "Then would Jaehyun like to know that the reason why you can't see your children is because you're on your knees." I raised my eyebrow and smirked. "What will telling him do? Nothing." "Nothing but, let him win the custody battle. I'll be called into court. Taeyong will be called into court and whatever other men you mess around with."

"H-he told you." "H-he t-told-. Yes he told me. So unless you don't wanna see your kids at all. I suggest you leave me alone and I'll be here for the boys when needed." "You barely fucking know them, unless you messed around on Taeyong." "Bitch please. I just met them yesterday but Donghyuck already told me that I'm better than you." "You're such a-." "Hi mommy." She turned her head away from me and looked at Minhyung and Donghyuck. "Hii babies. Did you miss me?" Donghyuck shrugged "Yeah. I haven't seen you in a long time." She glared at me and then looked back at the boys "Well then let's go since you missed me so much." She stood up and went to the door. Instead of going to her the boys ran to me and hugged me. "Will we see you when we come back?" "I'll try to be here I promise." Minhyung stuck his pinky finger out "Pinky promise?" I took his pinky and smiled "Pinky promise. Now go with your mom and have fun." "Okay." They gave Jaehyun a hug too and they both saw bye. "I love you both." "Love you too." As they walked out of the door I got an Uber.

Should I tell Jaehyun about his babymama and my ex boyfriend or just leave it? I'm just gonna keep it to myself. "You okay?" I looked up at Jaehyun "Yeah. I'm good. Thanks again for letting me stay the night." "It's no problem. So you can go get dressed and I can drop you off at home, I have work today." I stood up from the couch "You can get dressed. I'll take an Uber home." "You sure. It's no big deal for me to take you home." I went in the bedroom with Jaehyun following me "I'm sure. You go ahead and go to work." I quickly put my clothes back on from yesterday. "You can give my stuffed animals to the boys and tell them that it was a gift from me." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and his ears turned a bright red. They did that alot yesterday too. My phone dinged "That's probably my Uber outside right now." He smiled "I'll walk to the door." We both walked to the door and he opened it for me "I'll see you later. Oh wait, can I get your number?" "Sure." He gave me his phone and I put my number in it. "Thank you." "No problem." "I'll text you later. Bye Mya." "Bye Jaehyun." I left the house and saw my Uber outside so I got in.
I took my shoes off once I got in the apartment "Joy!!! I'm homeeee!" She came rushing from her room. "Hi. So how was the date? Did you guys have sex?" "It was amazing and no we didn't. I just stayed over." "What the-? How did you sleep over but not have sex?" "Well there's kids in the house." She stood there in shock "Kids?" "Yeah he has two sons. You didn't know?" "No he didn't tell me." "He doesn't post them." She shrugged "Probably but I didn't see them. I didn't scroll down that far." We sat on the couch "Now it's tea time." "Ouu. What happened?" "So he's a single father, obviously, but get this. We were washing dishes and he told me about his custody problems with her and how she's not in the kids life that much. Then the damn doorbell rung. Guess who the fuck it was?" "His babymama?" "Yeah but guess who his babymama is?" She stayed silent and shrugged. "Kassandra." "Who's that?" "The bitch I caught Taeyong with. She played nice at first but when Jaehyun went to get the boys for her to spend time with them she was like 'Oh I know you know me when Taeyong left you for me.'" Joy readjusted in her seat "What did you say?" "I told her that if she didn't keep her distance I was gonna tell Jaehyun that she's being a hoe and that's why she can't take care of her damn kids."

"Oh damn. What are the kids like?" "Oh god. They are so adorable. Like the best little kids I've ever been around. They told me that I was a better mom than their own mom." "You're not even a damn mom!" "I know that's the worse part." "Shit. Sounds fucked up already. Well are you hungry?" "No Jaehyun made breakfast. It was delicious. I'm gonna go shower and figure out ways to get my fucking car back." "Oh. It's here. In the parking lot. It was towed but I called your mom and she got it back." I threw my head back "I'm glad I got it back but damn. Now my mom is gonna talk to me even more about my behavior and how I should've been left Taeyong." I stood up and went into the bathroom and showered.

When I got out I put on a pair of black jeans and a random shirt and my nike slides. "Joy!" I looked through the apartment and she was no where to be found. There was a note in the kitchen that said 'I was called into work for something urgent but I'll be back by dinner time.' I sighed "So what am I gonna do?" I'm off today but I could go mess with Johnny and Eric.

I found my spare car key and went to the parking lot to look for it. I clicked the button and heard it beep a few times. I found it in a short time and got in and started it. "I missed my baby so much. And you still sound as beautiful as ever." I put my seatbelt on and pulled off and went to Target.
Once I found a parking space at the store I got out and went in the store. Johnny was working at the register. "Hii Johnny." He gave me a smile "Hey. I thought you had today off." "I do but Joy is at work until eight so I decided to just come and bother you." "You know who you should go mess with?" I raised my eyebrow "Eric?" "No, the new guy. He's working today." "Damn really. Do you have any customers right now?" "Nope." He turned off his light "Let's just pretend that you were looking for something crazy and I need him to find it." "Double large industrial toilet paper. With the case." Johnny laughed as he led me to where the new guy was. He put his finger on his lips. "Ma'am I'm telling you that we don't sell that." I quickly caught on to what he was going. "Yes you do. Last time I was here you had it. I will talk to your manager. Better yet your CEO! I bet you wouldn't like that." Johnny turned into an aisle "Can you please help this woman find double large industrial toilet paper." "With the case! You can't forget the case!" The guy turned around and it was Jaehyun. You gotta be fucking kidding me

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