Q and A

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Ariana's POV

Today I am going to be on my girlfriends channel. She asked me a while ago but my management said no. Now, I can.

"Babe, you ready?" She asks resting her thigh on me.

"Yes." I say looking at her nails. I kiss her hand and she starts recording.

"Hello YouTube its Y/N and I'm here with the biggest popstar AKA my girlfriend Ariana Grande." She says grabbing my face.

"Hello YouTube." I say. She giggles fiddles with my hoodie strings.

"We get alot of questions so I thought we could have a Q and A. You good with that babe?" She moves to my lap. I nod kissing her cheek. "Sorry YouTube, My baby is really comfy. The first one says how long have we known each other?"

"We met at Court's Party in 2017 so I've known you for 3 years and we've been dating for 2."

"Sweetest thing we've done for each other. Can I start?" I nod. "Ariana was on tour and I missed her so she flew me out. Then she invited my family to the last show. Ari is a sweet heart." I lay on her shoulder. She massaged my neck.

"I was gonna say when you got me and Piggy matching shirts. I loved that or when you sent Roshad to tell me you loved me cause I could not find my phone."

"Favorite thing about each other. You start."

"Physical thing would be your eyes. I could stare at them all day. Umm, trait wise I would say you're determination. Y'all, when Y/N wants to do something, it's getting done." She giggles.

"Let's see, cause I can't pick just one. I love physically her hair. She wrote my hair about me, don't get it twisted. I love that Ariana stands by me no matter what. Even if I'm the only one going left, she is going left with me. I love that about you." I look into her eyes and peck her lips.

"Oh yeah her pussy is great too." I say chuckling.

"Ariana!" She gasps. "Ooh, this one is for you, what song's on Positions are about me?"

"Ok umm....let me think. 34+35, six thirty, safety net, my hair, nasty, love language, positions, obvious, and pov."

"Yeah?" She asks. I nod leaning in to kiss her neck.

"Fun Fact. In 34+35 when I say make a bitch wanna hit snooze, that's real. Don't be oblivious to her freak levels. She's a freaky one."

"Next because Ariana wants to expose me. Is Nasty based on true events? Let's just say Ariana is good at what she does in every aspect. If that is work or not. The second verse is the- anyway. Ariana knew what she was talking about. That's the tea on that."

"I believe that Y/N enjoys our intimate moments. Nasty was put on the album clearly for the sole purpose of calling out someone. I'm not gonna drop any names but they know who they are because they could never do it like me." I grab Y/N's waist.

"Who would you be- oh never mind. What's it like dating a big star? Honestly great to me. I love Ariana and she takes her job seriously. She has her fans best interest. Sometimes its alot but, it's great."

"I think she's more in the middle. It's not like she's for it but not hating it." I say kissing my girls hand.

"Yeah. Last one, are you guys going to have kids? What's the tea babe?"

"Umm...one day but I think we should get married first. Mama L/N wouldn't want you pregnant before a ring."

"Yeah but also she wants grandkids really bad. I wouldn't think she'd be that mad."

"Alright we will see." I chuckled.

"That's it for this video make sure you like, comment and subscribe. What else babe?"

"Hit the bell to get notified when she makes a video. Follow her on her socials?" She nods and smiles.

"Yep and they are down below. Listen to Ariana's new album it's out everywhere. I'll catch you guys later. Byeeee!"

"Alright we done? Let's go. That pussy mine for a couple hours." I pick her up.

"You just couldn't wait could you?"

"Waiting would go against every aspect of the positions Album." I say carrying her up the stairs.

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