The baby is coming

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Ari's POV

G!P Ari

"Mi amor!" Y/N called. I paused my workout music.

"Yes babygirl?" I say. She came waddling into my workout room. I dropped my weights and grabbed my towel dabbing off my sweat.

"My Mom and sister are coming over in a couple hours. They wanted to see you." She rubbed her pregnant belly. "And, the baby."

"Ok. I'll finish up and shower. Am I in charge of lunch today?" I ask kissing her hands. She shook her head no. I kiss her cheek and she exits the workout room.

I go for 50 more minutes before calling it a day. Y/N was making shrimp tacos for lunch.

"It smells delicious out here babe. I think the baby will like it." I say.

"They do, the baby is kicking." I swiftly place my hand on her belly. We both smiled.

"I'm gonna shower, I'll be back for a taco." I kiss the baby.

"Hey!" Y/N pouts.

"There's enough love to go around." I kiss Y/N.

"I set out your clothes already. Your shorts and tee are on the bed." She yells. I look on the bed as I enter the room.

"I love you mamas." I yell back.

"I love you more." She replies. I turn on the shower and start to take off my clothes. "Your food is in the microwave. I'm taking the dogs out."

As I hop in the shower, I told Alexa to play some music. As I exited the shower, I heard my phone ring. It was my mom. I quickly dress myself and answer.

"Hey Ma, What's up?" I say.

"Ari, Frankie and I are on the way to drop off some things for the baby. I looked at Y/N's registry and I found everything in a heartbeat." She says.

"Ok, I'm here." I heard my girlfriend come back. She took off the dogs leashes.  "My mom and brother are also on the way over. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. She family Ari. You know that." She hugged me.

"I just want your mom to like me is all. I don't want anything ruining us. I want to marry you one day."

I heard a knock at the door. I see Y/SN (sisters name) standing at the door. I open it and let them in.

"Y/NN, oh my goodness. Had me driving through these rich neighborhoods to find you. Look at the baby. Do you know the gender?" Her Sister says.

"I'm sorry, the neighborhood is big. We don't know the gender, we're waiting. Where's Mom?" I say hugging her.

"She's getting out the car, I'll help her." I say walking out.

I grab bags that her mother brought. She hugged me and I was caught off guard.

"You must be Ariana. I've heard so much about you. Sorry, I'm a hugger." I walk her in. She started asking about Y/N's pregnancy.

We enter the house and Y/N stands up.

"Mom, I see you've met Ari." She says kissing her cheek. I find the tacos that Y/N made.

"Beautiful, I'm gonna let you catch up. Let me know when my mom and brother get here?" I say. Y/N kisses my cheek and nods.

I go into our bedroom. I start my game up and hear a knock at the door.

"Come in." I say.

"My mom wants to talk to you." She says. I smile and take her hand.

"I know you and my daughter have been together a long time. I appreciate your loyalty to her. I wanted to give you this." It was a ring. "Her father proposed to me with that ring. I know he'd be proud to see his babygirl wed with that ring."

"Since we're here, Y/N Y/MN Y/LN, you are my everything. I love everything about you. From the way you hide in my neck when you blush, to how you massage my head to wake me up. When we kiss, It feels like the first time. I still get butterflies. And your smile, it could brighten the darkest of places. You're also carrying my child." I say. Her family started tearing up as well as her. "I love you, I really do. Marry me?"

"Yes, Yes, Yes." I slid the ring on her finger. I kissed her. I heard my mom and brother. As the door opened, they waved at Y/N's family.

"Hello, You must be Y/N's mom and sister. She's the sweetest." My brother says. Her family gets ready to leave.

"Thank you. Y/N, Ariana, we're gonna get going. It was nice meeting you all."


My mom had me start putting things together.

"Ari, It's happening. The baby is coming." Frankie says.

We decided we're having a home birth so I get near her.

"Baby, Breath. Your doing fantastic. I called everyone."

As the doctor and family gets here, The baby is born. Y/N grabs the baby.

"She's beautiful. Everyone give my princess and baby girl some room." I say.

"She looks like baby Ari." My mom says. I look in my storage room, finding a photo album. I flip to a baby pic of me.

"She does. What are we naming him?" I ask.

"Valentina Grande-Butera." My fiancé says.

"What about your last name?" I ask.

"We are all yours. We're Grandes too. I already asked Ma and Mama Grande. If that's ok with you babe." She grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Valentina Grande-Butera, It's a beautiful name for a beautiful baby." I let out. Y/N kisses her head.

* 2 years later *

"Y/N, You wanna come to the studio?" I ask.

"I can't. Your mom invited us over to her place so she can get to see Val." Y/N yelled from the kitchen.

"How long are you going to be over?" I ask wrapping my arms around her waist. Y/N was cleaning Valentina's sippy cup.

"The rest of the day." She says relaxing into me.

"I'll drop you guys off and pick you guys up. That gives me a bit of time with my girls and I'll get you some coffee on the way over."

As I pack Valentina's bag, my princesses appear from her room.

"Valentina! You look so pretty mama." I grab her, giving Y/N a chance to get dressed. "Let's go get some apple sauce babe."

I carry her and place her on the floor. She waddles to the fridge. I start singing.

"Apple Sauce for my baby girl." I sung and tickled her.

"Val?" Y/N called. I looked at her gasping. We run upstairs. My fiancée looked at us.

"Val, you need pants baby. Let's go-" Val interrupted her.

"No mommy, I don't want pants." I look at Y/N.

"Come here V, I need you to put on pants. We're going to Nonna and Bisnonna."

"Yayyy Nonna and Bisnonna!"

In the car, Val had Y/N's phone and we heard the FaceTime ring. We then heard my mom and Frankie.

"Hi Nonna!" She said. I smiled. "Is Zio at your house?" Y/N and I laughed.

"Hi baby, Yes Zio is here. I'll get him." There was a short silence and then I heard my brother.

"Hi love, I miss you." Frankie says.

"Guess What Zio?" He replies with a what. "I'm coming over to Nonna's house today." She says excitedly.

"Oh yeah?" He asked laughing. "Is mama coming?"

"I think so. Mommy is coming too." (Mama is Ari and Mommy is you)

We pull into the driveway and Frankie was at the door.

"Valentina, C'mere boo." He squats down to catch her.

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