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Ariana's POV

Y/N is turning 25. Tomorrow is her birthday and I am so excited.

"You excited for tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yes! I'll be 25. Like, it can't get any better, I have all I need. You." We were on the couch she straddled me and I kissed her a couple times.

I drag her to our room to get ready for bed. She starts playing bed. My voice fills the speakers in our room and bathroom.

Got a bed wit' your name on it
Wit' your name on it
Got a kiss wit' your name on it
Wit' your name on it

Y/N loves this song so much that she's so vulnerable and involuntarily dances really sexily. I come behind her and felt myself grow. She looked behind her and started grinding on me. I rock with her and sing Nicki's part.

Thousand dollar sheets
Waitin' for you on some thousand dollar sheets
I got Carter III on repeat
Back shots to the beat of "A Milli" on you
Got me acting like you got a milli on you
He say I'm the GOAT, yeah, the billy on you
I could make all your dreams come true
Wanna fall through, then you better come through

My babygirl is so precious and beautiful. I laugh at her and keep rapping. Y/N was washing her face with the spin-brush I got her and we kept rocking and rapping. I said the next line.

Don't make me wait until the morning

I grab her arms and spin her towards me.
She giggled and I steal a kiss from her before she starts singing.

Got a bed wit' your name on it
Wit' your name on it
Got a kiss wit' your name on it
Wit' your name on it

I placed her on the bathroom counter and kissed her thighs and hand before making out with her. The chorus finished playing.

Love me good, love me down
Don't turn me down
Got a bed wit' your name on it
Wit' your name on it

She finished her nightly routine swaying to the music. I watched her from the doorframe. She took her chapstick and applied it before taking of her shirt leaving herself in her bralette and shorts.

She turned off the music and practically dragged me to bed.

"Can we watch Scream Queens?" She asked.

"You love me don't you?" I ask

"Something like that." She says. I lay on her lap while she plays in my hair. I look at her and she happened to be looking at me.

"You want your nails done tomorrow my love?" I ask. She nods. "Ok what else?" I ask.

"Shopping?" She questions.

"You know I can't say no to you." I say.

"I don't know what else to do tomorrow but I do know something you can do right now." She says biting her finger. My girlfriend is so hot.

I start the song again and kiss her slowly.

Love me good, love me down
Don't turn me down
Got a bed wit' your name on it
Wit' your name on it

I started stripping her clothes off and she was really needy.

"Ariana please..."

I went to where she really needed me. As soon and started to tongue her down.


Y/N traced my tattoos. I watched her and played in her hair.

"Hey, your so beautiful. Remember that." I see her smile and continue to trace my tats. "I mean it. Every time."

She kissed me and when back to tracing.

"Hey, you ok?"

"Mmhmm." She voices. I bring her naked body closer to me.

"Y/N I know you beautiful. You're fidgeting and I can tell something is on your mind. Tell me mamas."

"I just- the fans, What if they don't like me?" She says sadly. I sit up and reposition her.

"Look, I call you beautiful everyday. You know I can't lie to you. My fans are very hard on people I date due to people I've dated in my past but, they will come around. When they see how happy I am with you, they will lighten up. They won't mean it my love."

"I- but they know what's good for you right?"

"How long have we been together babygirl? How many years?" She held up the number 4. "That's right." I look in my night drawer as she hid in my neck. "Baby?" I called. She questioned and looked up.

"You mean the world to me and there's nothing I rather do then be yours. Your smile could light up the darkest of places. When you touch me it's indescribable. Your kiss sends me to another place. I love it, I love you. I don't know what else to say and now it's awkward." At this point she was tearing up. "Y/N L/N will you-"

"Yes. A million times over." I put the ring on her finger and she smiled. I wiped her eyes.

"Y/N Grande-Butera, it has a nice ring to it."

"I know something that has a better ring to it." She says biting her finger.

"What would that be beautiful?"

"Daddy of course." She says. I immediately get under the covers and get to work.


I wake before Y/N making her a smoothie. She wanted to go for a run and I decided to cook while she runs.

"Good Morning Papi, I'm going to run." She says pecking my lips.

"Here mama, your smoothie. Happy Birthday love." We kiss again and I smacked her ass.

When she left I started on breakfast. She was gone awhile and I had so much time. I was almost done and Y/N came through the door.

"Papi, Whatcha making?" She asked innocently. She laid on my shoulder.

"I made your favorite baby. Some waffles, fruit salad, and some other stuff. Go shower and it'll be ready."

Y/N showered and came back in a tube top and black joggers.

"Baby, It looks delicious. I'm starving." I place her plate in front her and kiss her cheek.

"You better enjoy this. I put my blood, sweat, and tears in it bae." I say kissing her neck. She moaned a bit.

"Unt unt. Let me eat. I am hungry."

I sat next to her and we get a knock at the door. I open it and it's my mom.

"Y/N, Babe, Happy birthday. I brought Frankie and a present."

"Mama Grande, Nooo." She got up and hugged my mom. They kissed cheeks and she opened the present. It was a necklace that said Grande on it.

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