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I woke up to Ariana's side of the bed being empty. I heard humming from our closet.

"Babe?" I called out tiredly.

"Yes Princess?" She answered peeking out. Her hair was curly today and I was ready to play in it. "Robe please, I can't be tempted by stay at home, even if my girl's body is perfect." As I tightened my robe, her lips met my neck for a kiss. "I have an interview later. You coming? I really want my girl that I just moved into my house there with me."

"I'm convinced. I'll make your breakfast and tea."

As I grabbed a mug, Our puppies followed me.

"Good Morning babies. Go get mama." I giggle and continued to make our teas.

"Ari? Baby?" She rushes in. I hug her and she slapped my slightly exposed ass. "Can you get my clothes out please? And do you want a omelet?"

"Yes and Yes. I'll go pick out your clothes. Do you have any preferences today?"

I didn't. I knew Ari knew about clothes so, I let her do that kinda stuff. She knew that. I don't bother. My wife is my personal stylist and we're both ok with it.

You might think that as a model, I would love picking outfits. But when it comes to standing next to my wife, I don't wanna look like a pile of shit. So actually let's throw her off.

"Dress or a skirt." I say.

"Sexy?" She asked. Her favorite thing now is showing me off. Whether it's my smarts, my love, or even my body, it's Ariana's newfound  happiness tactic.

"Sexiest you've ever made me." I reassured. She smiled and went for our bedroom.

I made our omelette and carried it into the bedroom.

"Baby? Breakfast." She peeps out the closet and motions me in. I enter and set her food down.

"I've narrowed it down to two dresses and this is where my dilemma comes in. You have to try them on. I'll rate them by how much I'll wanna get them off of you."

After some time of posing and some body touches we decided on a dress that had a slit and a bit of cleavage.

As Ari got ready, I was doing make-up. She loves watching but, She misses out on hers.

"Baby come on. The car is here."

She entered after me. The smell of her perfume, my favorite at that.

"Mmm, you know that's my favorite." I say hiding in her neck.

"It is? I haven't noticed." She kissed my neck and rubbed my thigh through the slit.

"I'm so glad I picked your outfit. You're sexy as fuck. I'm glad you're my baby."

I put my bag down and she kissed my hand.

"We're definitely finishing this later. This is mine." She put her fingers inside me and licked them.


"Welcome back to the Kelly Clarkson show. We have one of the hottest couples in pop culture to date. One is a pop singer who tops charts and the other is a model. Give it up for Ariana and Y/N Grande." Kelly introduced us.

We came out waving. We shared a quick kiss and sat down.

"Oh my god, First off I truly love you guys so much. Your love for each other is so pure and beautiful." Kelly started.

We looked at each other and smiled.

"Thank you." We both said.

"Second, Y/N, You're wife is so hilarious on our show when she talks about you."

"She's funny in general. She's not my wife yet though. I get caught up too because we've been progressing quickly into things. I love her though. What does she do Kels?" I smile at her.

"You literally call me wifey all the time babe. KELS DONT TELL HER?"

I shut her up with a kiss. She mumbles and Kelly laughs.

"She always talks about how cute you are. She dedicated a little tune to you. She's literally whipped for you. I guess you know that." She jokes.

"Yes Kelly. I know. Im whipped for her. She's aware. The audience is too right?" Ariana asked.

The crowed cheered. I laugh in her neck. Ariana kissed my head. The crowd awed at us.

"This episode is strictly for me. Their so cute. I'm sorry fans. This episode is my guilty pleasure. I can't. Are you guys going to have kids?" She asked.

"At first, Ariana wanted to focus on her career but then things got really serious. So I asked her again." I say.

"We had to make so decisions and we got a puppy. I showed John because he asked. He's a Pomeranian husky mix. We love him so much." Ari says.

A video of me holding him shows. I was under the covers which means we were getting it on.

"So Y/N, what was under that blanket?" Kelly asked. Ariana looked away.

"Umm...It was some exclusive Victoria Secret stuff only me and babe know about." Ariana looked at me and chuckled.

"Oh, That's truly something. Ariana is laughing her butt off but, I won't ask her."

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