Chapter 16

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"Now, Miss Lopez, on May 19th 2015, can you confirm where you were at 10:30pm onwards" the judge that's supporting our case asks Courtney who is being questioned, "I was out with a few friends, grieving over the heartbreak Casey Johnson had given me by telling me he was back with the mother of his children, Peyton Lloyd. I remember playing with my lighter while walking to her house, I wanted to talk and be civil. It was around 2am, before I knew it, her porch light was on fire. I tried to put it out but panicked and ditched the lighter and ran before being seen" she informs, crying while finishing "Miss Lopez. How long was the affair between you and Mr Johnson going on for" the judge asks "Around 2 months, exactly 2 months before his third child was due to be born" she whispers "So what you're saying is, you were angry over a break up to a relationship which hadn't existed, You decided to become stupid and set her house alight which killed two of. Her children" the judge sternly asks, Courtney nods in agreement "Sorry! I cannot hear you. Is that a yes or a no! We need answers Miss Lopez" she shouts "Yes" Courtney shouts "But only because I loved Casey. Two months I spent with him. Behind his families back and it was great" she shouts again. I bow my head as tears begin to fall "Are you happy with the outcome" the judge asks, giving her an evil look "Yes!" Courtney smirks, winking at Casey, Chet, Keith, Tracey, Coral and I, "Do you plead guilty or not guilty" the judge smiles, sarcastically, "Guilty" she laughs.
"Case closed" the head judge shouts, whacking her wooden hammer on a pallet.
We walk out and Casey flings both arms around me, for some reason I feel very awkward in his arms after the case had been closed, I feel stiff and numb in his hold "Babe! We won! She's gone!" Casey smiles "I need air" I spit, bitchily, "Pey, you ok?" Chet asks, following me out the building "She's been in his arms, kissed his lips, been in our bed and slept with him. How am I meant to feel comfortable with that. I need to stay with him for Chetly and for the fact that I love him, but I can never get the fact out of my head that, that slut has been behind my back and shagged my boyfriend" I cry, I hear a huff from behind me and turn around to see Casey, his parents and Coral "Babe" he whispers "Case! I'm sorry" I whisper back looking down.

The day went on and Casey, Chet, Coral and I decide to have a couple of drinks in the living room to celebrate. 1 drink to many and I was all over Casey, kissing him, running my hands up his muscular arms, wrapping my arms around him while we kiss.

The morning arrived and I was naked next to Casey, I had slept with Casey. I smile to myself and snuggle into him and feel him kiss my temple, he lifts up his hand and opens his fingers and I rest my small hand on his large one, we intertwine our fingers together and he kisses my hand "I love you" he whispers, I look up and smile before kissing his soft lips "I love you too" I smile again before resting my head underneath his chin

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