Chapter 6

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[A/N: New character Chloe_Brown_14 who is going to be a main character throughout!]

I was sat watching the kids play in the front garden while I sat on a blanket with Harley in his bouncy chair, Chet hasn't spoken to Casey since that day, today he was coming over as he's made it official that he's going out with a girl names Chloe. I'm super exited to meet her! It's a hot summers day so I'm in shorts;
I notice Chet's car pull up and smile, he gets out and I see another figure come out, his girlfriend, I stand up and hug Chet and pull away and my eyes widen and fill with tears, "Peyton" she smiles "Chloe! Oh my god!" I squeal and hug her;

Me and Chloe were best friends in primary school and high school! When we left year 11 Chloe went to university Derby and I went to college! We lost contact and never spoke since.

"How have you been! Tell me everything. What's happened since we last spoke" she asks, I bring the kids inside and make Chloe and Chet a cup of tea and we had a catch up.
"What about you and Chet's brother then? What happened between you? If you don't mind me asking" Chloe smiles
"Well, obviously we've had 3 stunning babies, I thought everything was going great you know, I was happy and enjoying everything, it even got to the point where I thought he was gonna ask me to marry him, anyway, worst got to worst and I found him in bed with someone, he told me he loved me, but I had to get him out. It's been 2 weeks and he hasn't text me to see how the kids have been or text to see if he can have them" I tell her, by this time, tears were falling "Awww babe! I feel like I've missed so much! But don't you worry! I'm not going anywhere! We're gonna be close again! I'm gonna help you through this Pey! trust me" she smiles. I told her about Daniel and his depression too, she was more than understanding;
The rest of the day we chilled out at my house and it was 11pm by the time they had left, baring in mind we lost track of time, hence the fact Chetly, Tilley and Harley were still up and not in bed or bathed

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